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(Hi, everyone. So, as you can see, 358/2 Days is ready to be read. I know it's been a long wait since finishing Kingdom Hearts 2 and I do apologize for that, but I do hope you'll all enjoy reading the prologue. Before you start, however, there's something you should all know. I have a new puppy, a Shiba Inu named Cloud, and since he's my dog, I have to take responsibility for him. And since I'll be busy trying to look after him, I won't be working on the chapters to this story as often as I would like, but I will try my best to make time for it while also caring for my puppy. So, I hope you all understand and will try to be patient with me. Thank you, and enjoy the prologue)

(3rd) POV:

Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free...until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist.

"Harmonyx...are you really sure that you, Xamira and Roxas don't have a heart?" Axel asks his friend, as he, Harmonyx and Roxas all sit atop Twilight Town's clock tower.

are you really sure that you, Xamira and Roxas don't have a heart?" Axel asks his friend, as he, Harmonyx and Roxas all sit atop Twilight Town's clock tower

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"I dunno. I can't...just look inside," Harmonyx answers. "But I figure...if there is something in there...inside us--then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"

"True enough," Axel says, holding out sea-salt ice cream, one for each of them.

Harmonyx and Roxas both smile as they take their share of ice cream from Axel. Harmonyx remembers as though it was just yesterday, when she and Xamira had received their names from Xemnas and became members of Organization 13. Xemnas found them in the forest near Twilight Town, outside of the haunted mansion.

"You seek answers," Xemnas says, his words sounding more of a statement, then a question.

Harmonyx and Xamira nod their heads in response.

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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days x OC Harmonyx and XamiraWhere stories live. Discover now