Chapter 9: What Does Being a Friend Mean?

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(Harmonyx's) POV:

After making all the necessary preparations, Xamira, Roxas, Xion and I were ready to go.

"Oh! This is unusual. You four going out on a mission together?" Xigbar asks, taking notice of us.

"Uh...yeah," Roxas nervously answers.

"That's right," I say.

"Apparently they need a change of pace," Saix begins to say. We all turn our attention on him. Not only that, but he's smiling. He's actually smiling, which is anything but comforting! "I look forward to seeing how this improves your performance."

"Let's go, everyone!" I exclaim, quickly opening a Corridor of Darkness.

How should I put it...? ...The smile Saix was making was completely out of character, since he never smiles at all. If nothing else, it was actually making me uncomfortable, which is why Xamira, Roxas, Xion and I immediately rushed through the Corridor of Darkness, hoping that Saix wasn't onto us or anything. The last thing we need is for Saix, or anyone else for that matter, to find out about Xamira and Xion's predicament.

The mission that Xamira, Roxas, Xion and I were given today involved going to Agrabah. We were told to dig up more information about that cave that Axel and I discovered. But even though it's a reconnaissance mission, Roxas and I still need to take care of every Heartless we see, so that no one figures out that Xamira and Xion can't use their Keyblades.

"So our orders are to investigate a cave this time?" Xion asks when we arrive.

"Correct. Axel and I found it the last time we were here. There's a hidden entrance in the city that leads to it," I explain.

"Oh, wow! How'd you find it?" Xamira asks, excited.

"It was actually a coincidence, really," I say. "We spotted someone acting fishy, and Axel suggested we tail him."

"And that led you to the cave...Good call on Axel's part," says Xion. "So, you ready to go explore it?"

"Which way is it, though?" Roxas asks.

"The hidden door's down that way. I'll lead," I say. While leading the way, I notice something...odd. "That's weird."

"What's wrong?" Roxas asks.

"The people who live here. They're outside," I say.

"Are they not supposed to be outside?" Xamira asks.

"I thought it was normal for people to be out and about," Xion points out.

"Not what I meant. There have been a lot of sandstorms here in Agrabah that it was preventing anyone from leaving their homes. So, seeing them out in the open like this is new and surprising..." I explain. Before I knew it, something fast zipped past me, nearly taking me by surprise. "Wha--!?"

We look down near our feet and see that same monkey I saw before on one of my missions. I believe its name is Abu, and he's carrying an apple in his arms.

"What the--? A monkey?" Roxas asks, caught off guard when the monkey climbs on his head.

"ABU! COME BACK HERE!" a familiar voice calls out. Just as Roxas removes Abu from his head, we see Aladdin appear. "GRAB HIM!"

Once again, we were caught by surprise, especially when Abu scratches Roxas' face like a cat, then makes his escape.

"Wait!" Xion exclaims, chasing after the monkey.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days x OC Harmonyx and XamiraWhere stories live. Discover now