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Friday December 11th 2015
Noelles POV

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. Then it stopped. Then it rang again. Then it stoped. Then nialls rang. And that morning while we slept our phones constantly rang till i woke up and answered one, from my old friend from home Lara who was getting married next month.

"Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me!" She says excitedly.

I hadn't spoken to lara in months. I was confused.

"What?"i laugh confusedly

"The baby? Congratulations!"

"Sophias 3 months old now Lara.. your a bit late on that one."

"Not Sophia! Your new baby, your pregnancy!?" She says confused.

"Lara babe i have no idea what your talking about"

"It's all over the media Noelle! Everyone knows! Your family included i was talking to Hayley this morning!"

I panic.

"Uh.. i'm not pregnant?" I say looking down at my flat stomach. I was on my period right now also. So it was definitely not true.

"Noelle you don't have to lie about it"

"Lara i'm on my fucking period this week. I'm certainly not pregnant nor do i plan to be soon"

"Fuck. I'm sorry. It's just its trending worldwide Noelle!"

"Fuck sake. I'll call you back"

I wake up Niall.

"Niall!" I hiss and he rolls over.

"Baby its 9am let me sleep" he mumbles into the covers.

"Baby, everyone thinks im pregnant! Apparently some "close source" leaked it?" I say as i google my name and see the dreaded articles

I was panicking now.

Niall sat up..

"What are we gonna do" i moan as images of me circulate the internet, not for a good reason.

"Im gonna call our managers now and see what they say okay?" niall says kissing my forehead.

"Don't upset yourself baby. It will be okay" he adds.

I nod and sigh, hoping my publicist would sort the whole ordeal out.


@NiallHoran: Noelle is not pregnant. Nor is she planning to be. Please leave us alone and stop the hateful comments and giving your opinion where it's not needed and when there is nothing going down, don't always believe the media or "close sources" x


Monday December 14th 2015
Noelles POV

Today Niall and I were meeting up with Lottie and Liam to go ice skating and we couldn't be anymore thrilled. I felt like i hadn't seen Lottie in ages.

"Soph you gonna be with Lills and Jay today" i smile. Lilly and Jason were  friends Niall and i had made in Hollywood who were also parents themselves and they babysat Sophia whenever we needed them too.

Sophia made some gurgling noises in response.

I smile at her. She was getting so big. In a few months time she would be sitting up, then crawling, then walking. I couldn't believe how fast time was going.

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