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Sunday June 13th 2015
Noelles POV

Niall and i had finally gotten word back from the property owner in Ireland and it had been approved. Today Niall and I were flying to Dublin then making our way down to Cavan for the day and we were staying in Mullingar on our way home.

"Everything ready?" I ask Niall as i leave my bags by the door grabbing my handbag and resting my arms on the bump.

"Yup" Niall yawns locking the apartment and heading down to the car.

"You wanna drive?" Niall asks and i shake my head. I was nervous driving in his range rover compared to my little white Seat Ateca.

He smiles and nods and lifts the bags into the car and helps me get in and sit down.

"Right. Lets hit the road"Niall says as i turn the diall on the radio and we sing along to some classic road trip tunes.


"Hi im Una Ni Ghillin i own this house and im looking to rent it out. Its lovely to meet you both!". Una smiles. She had bright ginger hair and a perky smile with paled skin. A traditional irish person.

"Lovely to meet you in person Una!" I smile as i wrap my arms around her

"Good to meet you" Niall says smiling also.

"Right so this is actually a four bedroom house, im not sure what its advertised as online but yeah. 4 bedrooms,4 bathrooms. The two master bedrooms have an en-suite then theres the main bathroom upstairs and one main bathroom downstairs. Theres a large open plan kitchen and living room which looks onto the beach. Then ofcourse theres a more private and intimate lounge and then a dining room and storing room in the garage." Una says as she leads us around the house. I smile as i look out into the brisk summer air.

"Wow" i say softly as i cradle my bump admiring the view of the ocean swishing against the sand.

There was only a couple more houses that looked onto the beach and then there was a housing estate and local shops 5 minute walk away.

"Is there good wifi..? Because of our career path its.. you know, important?" Niall laughs and Una smiles.

"Yeah its great signal down here. Theres 5 bar coverage and 4 bar 4g."

"Wow thats brilliant actually for Ireland"

"Yeah its cause this area is actually popular among many influencers. Rozanna Purcell actually owns the house just down there and Justin Bieber rents one of the houses further along."

"Oh wow" i smile. This home had a homey feeling.

"Yeah. So, Starlit House in County Cavan.. is it the one for you guys?" Una says with a grin.

"Starlit?" I question

"Yeah thats the name of the home"

"Thats crazy. My nickname for Noelle is Star"

"Almost like Fate?" Una suggests with a cheeky grin and we all laugh.

"Yeah we will take it. Thank you so much for your help today Una" Niall smiles and i squeal excitedly. I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and thank him.

"I love you for infinity. Thank you so much,this means the world to me cause your willing to move to Ireland for a short amount of time for me. I love you Nialler. Thank you so much"

He smiles as he takes out his phone and jots down a lyric. I had gotten use to him doing that,he inspired me to do it also. And i found it sweet.

"I love you for infinity. Thats a good one. And yes Noelle Leigh O'Connor, you are my whole universe, thank you for being the best girlfriend ever. I love you"

I smile at him as we finalize the details and leave County Cavan and Make our way towards Mullingar.


"Noelle Beautiful! How are you lovely and my darling granddaughter?" Maura asks wrapping her arms around me. I smile and take in her embrace as i rest my head at her neck.

"We're so good Maura! How are you?" I ask sweetly as Niall greets his stepfather and brother

"Im good beautiful. Wow your really glowing! Good for you! Only roughly 12 weeks left am i right?"

"Yup you are! Its exciting.. but really nerve wrecking, still haven't fully been on social media since we announced her"

"It will get easier! Now come on, everyone gather round.. its dinner time"

"So you guys.. have you decided on a baby name?" Denise asks as she cuddles Theo on her lap.

Niall looks at me and i smile as he shakes his head.
"No not yet.. names are a big thing so we don't wanna rush into something"

"Yeah that makes sense" Denise says as Theo makes a silly face and She giggles.

"Will it be another N name? Niall,Noelle and... Naia?"

We both laugh. Me and Niall had only discussed this recently.

"Definitely not.. because then the kids after our baby girl are all gonna have to be N names.. we can't have three Ns, a L and then like a H"

"Harriet Horans nice.. we were thinking that if Theo was a girl"Greg suggests

Denise shakes her head. "No we weren't Greg. I hate that name. It was only you that liked it"

Greg rolls his eyes and im pretty sure the whole group sensed the tension but it was ignored.

"Right we're going for a drink at Brenno and Ashely's and then Noe will drive us back here for the night and then we have to leave first thing tomorrow morning" Niall says standing up from the couch after dinner as Denise and I Helped Maura clean up.

"Right darling.. ill have breakfast ready for you both tomorrow morning before 9 am so make sure to be up. I love you Ni and I love you too Noe, have a good night" Maura smiles hugging,kissing and waving us both away to go see How Ashley's baby was doing and ofcourse to see the others too!

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