64- Epilogue (4)

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3 Years Later
The Reunion Trip

Thursday July 16th 2020
Noelles POV

Today Me, Niall and the kids and the rest of the band were taking a trip to Spain to celebrate the bands 10 year anniversary. There was 4 rooms booked and i'm about to explain who was in each room.

Room 1.

Harry and Louis took this room with their two children. Freddie Tomlinson aged 4 and Darcy Styles aged 1 and a half who they had just adopted.

Room 2.

Niall and I were taking this room with our two children. Sophia Horan aged 4 and Finley Horan aged 2 but was 3 on the 2nd of August.

Room 3 .

Liam and Lottie had gotten back together 2 years ago in 2018. In this room was Liam,Lottie and 3 year old Bear.

Room 4.

Zayn had decided to come away with us to celebrate the bands 10 year anniversary. In his hotel room was him and his new girlfriend Gigi Hadid who was 7 months pregnant.

In total there was 13 of us on the trip. 8 adults and 5 children under the age of 5.


"Louis! Big man!" Niall exclaims as he makes his way over to give Louis a hug while holding Sophias hand. I wheeled Finley also known as Finn over in the stroller.

"Whatsup mate!" louis exclaims embracing Niall.

"Noelle love how are ya! I havent seen you in so long!" He laughs.

"It's been 2 weeks Louis!" I laugh.

"Hi Freddie" Sophia smiles waving at Freddie. He waves back shyly.

He had little blonde hair and was his daddies twin

"Where's Harry?" I ask curiously.

"He's over talking to Liam and Lottie. Did she tell you she wants to have a baby!" He gasps.

I laugh as i wheel the stroller over.

"Yeah she did. She's excited about it"

"I think it's a bad decision. She's only been with him 2 years."

I burst out laughing.

"Louis who are we to judge. I was 2 months and you were a week" i laugh and he laughs aswell.

"Mummy can Finn come play" Sophia says looking up at me with her big bright eyes as we walk over to Harry and Lottie.

"In a few moments Soph. Let him go see Bear first"

I sit down beside Harry who hugs me.

"Good to see you darling. You look great" he smiles as he holds Darcy in his arms.

"This trip is going to be a nightmare with all the kids" i laugh.

Lottie smiles as she sits beside Liam and holds Bear on her lap.

Niall sits beside me and i'm squished between Harry and Niall.
He takes Finn out and lets him walk over to Lottie and Bear.

"Wheres Zaynie lad?" Louis echos as he looks around.

He sees him in the distance and waves at him and a heavily pregnant Gigi.

"I've missed us all together" Niall frowns.

"Me too" Zayn says sitting down beside them all.


"Mama what are we doing?" Sophia asks as i put a white dress on her. I tie up her little sandals and she tries to put on her denim jacket herself.

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