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Noelles And Nialls story all started in the book
previous to this "Night Changes" by me, misterfpjones.

Noelles instagram post was liked by the one and only Mr Niall Horan on her way to a One Direction concert in her area. They saw each other and one thing led to another they started dating.

Noelle and Niall had their ups and downs, highs and lows in book one, leaving us on a cliff hanger on Noelles unexpected pregnancy, 6 months into her and Nialls relationship!

In this Novel we see more and more sides of our favorite couple Nielle.. we get more meaningful days and memories and some beautiful moments they can declare their own forever.. well.. however long their forever is...

Tuesday 19th of April 2015
Noelles POV

"Scan day" Niall exclaims with a cheeky smirk and I roll my eyes but giggle.

"We finally get to see baby! We're the first ones to see little bump"

"Yeah we are" i say softly as i pat my slightly bloated tum.

"N O'Connor and Partner.. Baby Scan?" The woman calls for Niall and i in the private waiting room and we take each others hand and make our way to the room.

"Hello Noelle and Niall, Im Dr Alvez i hope you found using our private entrance to Avoid getting mobbed by fans was easiest for you two?"

"Yeah it was perfect actually" i smile

"Well when you have scans in the future your welcome to take that way into us"

"Thank you so much" Niall says

"No problem! Now will we get started?"

I nod my head nervously and she giggles.

"Don't be scared. Roll up your top to reveal your tummy Noelle and lie down please" she says pointing to the bed. I pulled at my top and Niall helped me onto the bed to which the doctor smiled.

I lay down holding Nialls hand as Dr Alvez applies the gel onto my stomach. She quickly turns on her scan machine and runs it over my tummy to find the baby.

"Here it is. Little Baby. Its small considering your 16 weeks but nothing abnormal. Just means you will have a little dot for scans"

"Oh.. what could've caused that?"i asked scared.

"If im being honest sometimes its just genetic, sometimes alcohol. Did you at any stage drink while you were pregnant?" She says raising her eyebrow at me.

"Yeah i did" i say putting my head in my hands.
It was my fault my baby could possibly be smaller than normal.

"Don't worry about it Noelle. Baby is fine,
And not too small so its okay honestly. Just make sure you keep up on your nutrition throughout the pregnancy and avoid alcohol at all costs. Its not good for you or baby. Now.. would you like some scan pictures of your little dot?" She says softly and i look at Niall and i giggle. He was so excited.

Dot was a good name for the baby bump.

"Yes please" i smile.

"When can we find out the babys gender ?" Niall asks

" at 20 weeks" Dr Alvez says as shes printing the pictures.

Niall nods. He had one month to wait to find out if his girlfriend was having a baby girl or boy.

"So your next scan will be at 20 weeks which will be your half way mark, you will be getting a bump in the next week so just be considerate in what you wear if you plan on hiding the pregnancy for long"

"Thank you Doctor Alvez" i say smiling as she waves me and Niall out of the clinic with our baby scans.

Authors Note:So thats the Prologue for this chapter! Chapter 2 will be up very soon! Thank you for the love and support on the last book it means alot❤️

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Authors Note:
So thats the Prologue for this chapter! Chapter 2 will be up very soon! Thank you for the love and support on the last book it means alot❤️

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