I have a daughter?

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Luke's POV:
I wake up to light shining in my eyes. I cover my eyes and flip over, really flip off the bed. I jump and look around.

This isn't my house. I look around and memories from last night fill my groggy brain.

This is Claire's place. I sit back down on the couch and look out the window, before looking over at Claire who is asleep in the chair beside me. I pull out my phone and I have a message from Julie from hours ago. Fuck, I missed her calling me too. I stand up and quietly sneak out to the front porch before dialing her number.

Ring, ring, ring, and nothing. I groan in anger.

I text her to let her know I'm sorry that I missed her and that I miss her. I shove my phone back into my pocket. I sneak back inside and as I close the door behind me.

"Was Lucas Patterson trying to sneak out on me again?" Claire smiles as I turn around.

I might have forgot to mention that she's my ex girlfriend.

Well not girlfriend exactly, she was more like a casual hookup until she got pregnant.

"I was just calling my mom" I say, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

"Whatever you were doing, you need to get going. Syd will be up soon" She says walking into their kitchen and making coffee.

"Syd?" I say with urgency in my voice. I follow her and she sets down her mug as she turns to me.

"I must have not mentioned that. My daughter, Sydney"

"Da-daughter" I shutter

"Yeah, we'll our daughter" she says and I feel lightheaded. I stumble back and fall onto the couch.

"Luke, I have to tell you something" Claire says running into my room. She frantically slams the door and paces.

"Claire, what's wrong?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Well, im umm- pregnant" she says and my face drops in shock.

"And it's yours, well you know that" She rambles.

"You-you-your pregnant? It's mine?"

"Your the only guy im sleeping with so yeah" she snaps.

"Sorry yeah, I- umm" I stutter, trying to find the right words.

She's pregnant with my kid.

Im still a kid.

I can't do this.

"I know what your probably thinking and im not keeping it. I already found a family that wants to adopt her"

"Her? It's a girl?" I ask. I imagine a small little girl with my brown hair and Claire bright blue eyes.

"Yeah, I should have told you sooner. I just didn't know how"

"I-I thought you were giving her up" I say as she walks in with two cups of coffee. She hands me one and rubs her eyes tiredly.

"I was going too but then I held her for the first time in the hospital and that was it, I couldn't"

"I have a daughter, I- wow. I don't know what to say" I say, completely shocked.

"Do you want to meet her?" Claire ask setting down her cup. I feel my heartbeat faster.

"You don't have to, Its just an option. I'm sorry this is a lot to take in"

"I-I wanna meet her"

"Okay" Claire says giving me a soft smile. She gets up from her chair and goes upstairs.

I mentally prepare myself for this, I'm meeting my daughter for the first time. I think back to when Claire told me she was pregnant. I wonder what she'll look like.

Claire comes walking downstairs with a little girl in her arms. I stand up and tap my foot nervously.

"Luke, come say hi" Claire says, standing at the end of the stairs. I walk over to them and the little girl turns to me.

Her eyes are a bright beautiful blue, she has perfectly tan skin, and her hair is a dark blonde.

She's perfect.

Suddenly it feels like my whole life is change, I know that no moment will ever be the same now.

Everything has changed.

"Hi" I say with a huge smile covering my face.

"Hello mr.Luke" the little girl says, smiling back at me.

"Baby, this is a good friend of mine. You remember how I said you were named after my best friend, well this is her younger brother" Claire explains.

"Mr.Luke, it's very nice to meet you" She says.

"It's nice to meet you Sydney"

I spend the rest of the day getting to know her, getting to know my daughter.

Julie's POV:
"Ugh" I groan throwing my phone onto my bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Serena ask, flipping through a book.

"I've been trying to talk to my boyfriend all day and nothing" I whine, throwing myself onto my bed and diving into my pillows.

"I'm sorry Julie, long distance is hard. I wouldn't be surprised if y'all-

"Don't finish that, we're totally secure. I mean we've been through hell and back together, nothing could ever change that" I say confidently. I look over at Serena and she shrugs before going back to reading. I lay against my pillows and feel my heart-rate rise in panic.

Nothing right? We'll always be us, we love each other.

A/n: I'm back Shawty, don't hate me for the whole child thing. I PROMISE EVERYTHING WILL....... Umm WORK OUT.

Love y'all- R

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