50. Walk it off

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Queen1Anonymous here's your part two

Upon learning that Robin had a past that very few knew about, the team were hungry for more information on it. The phrase curiosity killed the cat was thrown around but always brought down with the reply of satisfaction brought it back. They would like Robin no matter what and they already had proof they'd accept someone who was initially aggressive in the form of Connor so why couldn't they hear a back story that was described as similar? Unfortunately, it was difficult to even draw out the story when Wally constantly changed the subject and Batman would take him away for days every time he heard they were asking. There weren't many opportunities to bring it up let alone hear anything in detail and they were admittedly getting frustrated. Not at Robin but the secrecy. Given the hibernation debacle, they felt the need to know what else could be going on. What if something terrible happened and they couldn't do anything to help? They didn't know that he was just asleep nor did they know how to fix him if Wally hadn't been there. It was a matter of safety primarily though they would be lying if there wasn't some selfish need to know the unknown mixed in there. With frustrations building and the fear for his safety growing, the team were at a breaking point and one more event would push them over the edge. 

It had been another mission that sparked the incident. They'd been fighting some assassins on the other side of the world and as per usual, things escalated. What began as three assassins turned into fighting half a crime syndicate and they became a little overwhelmed. They lost sight of one another but kept together through the mindlink where they checked in every so often. Given that they couldn't see one another, none of them knew the conditions of their teammates if they weren't told so. This would prove to cause quite an uproar later. They were fighting at least ten people each but with perseverance, they defeated their enemies. It had taken a long time and they'd sustained cuts and bruises but things could've gone worse. "That's the last of them," Kid Flash announced, finishing off the final criminal standing. 

"Finally," Artemis sighed. "It felt like they weren't ever gonna stay down." She hissed as she put her bow on her back, feeling some of the cuts move uncomfortably as she did. She hoped the knives they were using were clean or she was going to need a whole lot of tetanus shots. 

"They're highly trained. Though I've seen better. Their form was hardly exemplary," Robin commented. 

"Think you could do better?" Artemis taunted.

"I have done better," he replied seriously. He sounded sad and they went to question what he was referring to when Kid Flash swooped in to change the subject. Granted, this time it was a valid subject change. 

"Rob, you have a knife in your back," he stated, pointing to the blade. He'd been behind the group pulling their unconscious attackers into a sort of villain pile when he'd spotted the shining blade. He guessed the others hadn't noticed it yet since the handle matched the cape. He would've missed it too if he hadn't seen the brief glimmer of the blade. The younger raised an eyebrow and put his arm behind him, feeling for the weapon. He ran his fingers along his cape and patted around until he felt something jutting out of his body. 

"So there is." Miss Martian saw he was about to pull it out and grabbed his hand before he could. 

"Don't pull it out!" she shrieked. 

"It's okay Miss M, it won't hurt," he assured her.

"Of course, it will hurt. There's a knife in your back," she argued. She batted away his other hand when he tried again. "No."

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