11. We'll save you

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 Jenny_Mythical_Witch requested this one

Thought I'd switch up Talon!Dick a bit so I hope that's fine

Robin - Jason

Red Hood - Tim

Nightwing - Damian

I love reverse batfam but it makes my head hurt with the timelines


"I'm sorry Mr. Wayne but Richard Grayson's uncle came for him this morning," the polite woman informed him. The billionaire frowned. He'd been excited to bring Dick into the family that seemed to be ever-growing but he'd already been taken care of by his uncle. "It's better off he's with family, right?" he replied. He tried to ignore the dejected feeling he found. Dick wasn't his boy to take. The woman sighed. That wasn't concerning at all.

"Well sir, I saw his uncle and I don't doubt he would've been happier with you." Bruce held the phone closer to his ear, suddenly apprehensive at continuing their conversation but he just had to know what she meant by that. "Why do you think that?" She hesitated for the moment. If Bruce was there in the room with her, he'd think she was looking both ways in case anyone was around. He doubted saying bad things about people who took in the children there was a big no-no. "Just between you and me, he looked like the type who shouldn't be near kids. You should've seen the glare he gave the poor boy when they met again. If looks could kill, the GCPD would have a homicide on their hands." He sucked in a breath at that.

"Let's hope for his sake that his uncle was just in a bad mood today," he said. There was a hum of reluctance on the other side. 

"If he's brought back here, you'll be the first to know Mr. Wayne."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

He put the phone down and took a moment to take in what just happened. Not only could he not adopt Dick in time but now he was going to a home that they couldn't be sure he'd be safe in. "So when's Dick coming home?" Jason inquired. He'd been quite excited to not be the youngest anymore. He was also happy to not be the shortest. Bruce shook his head and rubbed a hand over his face. "His uncle came for him this morning. We can't adopt him since he's with family." Jason's expression fell flat into a pout upon hearing the news.

"I know, I was excited too."

Rumors were going around the underworld of crime that the notorious Court of Owls had taken on a new member. The Batfamily were well aware that the new member was around but none of them had seen the member at work. In a way, they feared to. The Court's soldiers had become near-invincible in recent years and it was becoming increasingly hard to stall their development of the perfect servant. There was no way of telling how difficult this new member would be to deal with. But no matter how much they didn't want to deal with them, one day they would. It wasn't a choice they had a say in. Either they deal with the new threat or innocent people suffer. Batman suggested that whenever there was a crime related to the new member, they document it. If they found a pattern in their attacks or fighting style, they could defeat them.

It took a few months before Batman was in the right place at the right time. He was lurking in the shadows of an alleyway, on his fifteen-minute break, when he happened to look up. Lights were flashing from inside the building beside him but no alarm was going off. Due to their lack of colour and lack of shrill noises, he assumed it was neither a party or an alarm going off. That didn't stop his gut feeling that something was going on. He made his way onto the closest roof so he could get a better look at what was going on inside. The lights were from machines that should be turned off for the night. From the light he creates, he could make out a figure that was typing at a computer. He noted that the building housed the biggest DNA bank in Gotham. It was an odd place to be working overtime. Especially since he was sure closing time was three hours ago and it's against lab policy to let someone work overtime. How did he know this? This was his lab. He jumped over to the building, crashing through one of the windows and into the lab. The figure didn't stop tapping on the keyboard. Batman was unsure if they even flinched at the sudden sound. "Stop what you're doing and nobody gets hurt." The figure let out a loud sigh and turned around, not before putting something into the computer. 

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