17. Handsome idiot

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There was a soft hum coming from the kitchen alongside the smell of an assortment of breakfast foods. Wally smiled to himself at this after he stirred from his sleep. There was no one beside him which wasn't too much of a surprise. He glanced at the digital clock, noting the time as 8 am. Dick had let him sleep in. He really did spoil him rotten. The ginger pushed himself up and his stomach growled in anticipation of his morning meal. Sleeping really did work up an appetite. He fought against the laziness that was begging him to stay in bed and pulled on his pyjama bottoms. The floor wasn't as cold as he expected which meant Dick had put the heating on for him. The acrobat really was a Godsend. He shuffled sleepily from the bedroom, through the creaky hall, and to the doorway into the living. He leaned against the doorframe for a moment, his eyes focussing on Dick. He was in the kitchen, humming to a song he was sure was ABBA as he carefully cooked in four different pans. He wore one of Wally's old hoodies that hung off his frame and swallowed him up. "Morning Dickie," Wally greeted.

"Morning," Dick replied, not turning around.

"I didn't hear you come in last night," the ginger said. He sat at the breakfast bar, watching the younger cook.

"You were asleep at that time."

"Are you doing okay? You seem off," he commented.

"I'm fine."

With curiosity getting the better of him, Wally got up and walked around the breakfast bar. He noticed how pale Dick was. How the dark bags under his eyes seemed worse than they usually were. His eyes were slightly bloodshot and seemed a little more golden than usual. That was never a good sign. "Dick?"

"Hm?" he responded, not taking his eyes off the pans. Attentive as always.

"I don't wanna be rude but you're not looking too well." Dick shrugged and began plating the large meal for the speedster. It took a lot to keep him running until lunch. Namely, it was 4 eggs, 5 sausages, 6 pieces of bacon, 4 hash browns, and 6 pieces of toast that were currently in the toaster moments away from being done. Dick's morning meal wasn't nearly as big. He was happy with a medium bowl of cereal with some orange juice. Wally gave him an inquisitive frown, not content with the shrug he'd received. He moved to be behind his lover and put his hands on his hips, resting his head on the other's shoulder. "Can you tell me what's up?" he asked quietly. He hardly ever used orders around Dick. He didn't think it was ever fair. If he did use them, it was never on purpose. He was quite aware of himself most of the time so he managed to avoid accidentally setting off the factory setting. Dick remained silent as he finished plating the ginger's breakfast. He gently batted away his boyfriend's affection and went to the drawer to get a fork and knife for him. As he pulled out the drawer, it came out a little fast and banged him in the stomach. Normally this wouldn't be any cause for concern. It was just a little bump really. But this little bump knocked the wind out of his lungs and he had to grip onto the drawer to remain upright. Seeing his reaction to this, Wally moved to be beside him and held him up. "I'm fine," the acrobat protested.

"You're really not. Let's get you to the couch, yeah? I'll make you some breakfast since you made me mine."

"No thank you. I'm capable of making my own."

"Dick," the other said in a cautioning tone.

"Fine but eat yours first. I'll have my breakfast later," he insisted.

Seeing as this appeared to be the only way Dick was going to cooperate, Wally just nodded. He helped the smaller to the couch then brought over his breakfast. He silently hoped for the other to steal something off of his plate but that would never happen. "What's up then? And the "I'm fine" response won't work. You've just been winded by a drawer," he stated.

"I was injured last night," Dick admitted.

"What?" Wally exclaimed. "How bad? Where?" He had to put his plate of food down which only showed how serious things were. 

"Just a stab wound and a cracked rib. In a mildly important area. I went to Leslie, had her help me, and then left before she could inform anyone of my injuries." His boyfriend stared at him slack-jawed. He couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God, we're getting you to bed right now."

"I'm fine. I worked out this morning and it didn't feel unusual."

"You handsome idiot, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking, "I should work out-"

"Not literally," Wally interrupted. He pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly losing his appetite. What if he hadn't noticed and Dick just continued about his day completely ignoring the fact he needed bed rest for at least a couple of days. He doubted he'd even stopped for a few minutes. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

"You didn't make me upset, I'm just worried. Can I see it?" Dick paused for a moment. He'd been funny about showing his body. He had been since he was turned into a Talon. The golden lines that etched into his features had partly retreated from his face but it was still prominent on his torso. Not to mention the scars he'd received before being given a concoction to make him heal faster. No doubt he'd received a small bout of the same serum when he went to be treated. His body was still dependent on it to fix itself. 

Eventually, Dick decided to lift his shirt. His chest was covered in bandages to keep his rib in place and there was a large stick-on bandage on his stomach around where his kidneys were. There were a lot of bruises and shallow cuts that were near but gone now. His eyes being more golden could be explained by the top-up of "Talon Juice" as Wally had called it. "Oh Dickie," the speedster mumbled, his hands ghosting over the wounds. "Let's hope you didn't exasperate anything."

"I will be fine. I would have felt if something was made worse by my workout," Dick assured him. 

"Can you at least rest for the day? I don't want you to get hurt any further," he replied. 

"I shall rest when the pain kicks in. Now eat your breakfast."

Idk I just wanted to do something domestic? 

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