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CloeTheTealSnake wanted this and I honestly love the chaotic nature of it 



It wasn't often Robin was allowed on his own since his family feared that the Court wasn't completely over their loss. There was simply too much to worry about. If it wasn't the Court, it was the villains, if it wasn't the villains it was the kidnappers, if it wasn't the kidnappers then it was twenty other different things. His family was much too paranoid to let him out of their sight outside when there were so many possibilities. Robin's solution to this? He just lied. Of course, it took a few tries since he wasn't used to it but eventually he got so good that it was like second nature. He had told his family he was going out to the Mountain and training there because he wanted to get used to it there. Batman said it was okay so he wired in old footage of him training to really sell it then he went to Central City instead. He liked it there. Of course, it was no Gotham, but he needed a change from time to time. Their villains were just as whimsical if not less bloodthirsty. He'd told Wally to meet up with him under a bridge he liked. It was quiet there but not too quiet. That gave him around an hour of alone time since Wally had to finish up a few things. All was well until Robin felt something was off. He didn't know what it was but he knew something was up and his gut feeling was never wrong. He went to take out his phone to tell his boyfriend he felt off when something was thrown right in front of him. He inspected the black ball out of curiosity when it began to spay a terrible smelling gas. Robin attempted to call Wally but the gas made him tired. Really tired. He managed to hit the call button before he fell into darkness. "You didn't need to make it smell that bad."

"I'm. The. Trickster. The hell did you expect? Normal knock out gas?"

"Let's just get this kid in the van."

Villains and heroes don't tend to mix. By their very nature, they shouldn't mix. Yet the Rogues felt very protective over the people they tried to kill every other Tuesday. Flash and Kid Flash were their heroes and if anything threatened that other than them, they were going to put it straight. Robin had been seen with Kid Flash and even a blind person could see the fact they were in a relationship. As cute as it was that Kid Flash was simply head over heels with the ex Talon badass, the Rogues needed to make sure things remained the same with their speedster. They didn't want anything from this relationship putting off their hero to the point he wasn't as quippy or working at his best the next time they fought. So they decided to kidnap Robin and give him a stern talking to. What they didn't realize was they had just tied someone who could literally die on a snow day to a chair that was in the same room as the man whose whole theme was the cold. When Robin came to, he didn't quite notice Captain Cold since he wasn't in the light at that time. In front of him were Heat Wave, Top, and Pied Piper. He stared at them blankly, completely unenthused with the situation. Admittedly, they hadn't expected him to fear them but they wanted at least a little unease in their presence. "Nice to see you awake! So we've noticed-"

"You make it sound like it was subtle, everyone and their dog knows they're dating," Heat Wave corrected, earning a glare from his villain counterpart.

"I will fuck you up," Top snapped. 

"Look we have this uhm complicated relationship with the Flashes and we don't want anything bad to happen to them unless we were the bad thing," Pied Piper continued, trying to gain control of the conversation. This was quickly being derailed and they had a limited amount of time before a hero beat their asses. 

"I am very confused," Robin stated.

"You're dating KF and we don't want you messing with the kid's heart!" Heat Wave exclaimed. 

"Uhm, I can't really do that. Logically," the acrobat pointed out. 

"Every teenager says that then they sleep with your best friend because fucking Markus was cooler than you and had a car," Pied Piper growled. There was some awkward silence as he seethed about it.

"As I was saying, I can't really do that due to being a Talon. I can only ever do what's best for him. You've wasted your time- why is it cold in here?"

"Oh, that's just Captain Cold now what's this about Talons?"


Kid Flash wondered where the hell his boyfriend was. He was sitting at the bridge where they usually met but it was practically deserted. Earlier he'd gotten a phone call but it had been silent so he just hung up. He didn't think much of it until now when Mirror Master appeared out of nowhere as he usually did. He jumped to his feet and got into a fighting stance, ready to say a funny pun when Mirror Master put his hands up. "Don't get mad but we kinda sorta kidnapped your boyfriend and now he won't stop screaming and it's freaking us all out so please come get him we're really sorry," the older told him as quickly as he could. 


"We didn't know that Captain Cold would freak him out that much! Trickster tried to calm him down but Robin kicked him in the balls so he's down and then Weather Wizard thought he was freaking out because he had a concussion or something since nobody caught him but then Robin threw him somehow! We tied his arms down but there he went, he was yeeted."

"First of all, it's yote. Second of all, take me to him. Third of all, if he's really hurt you're all getting an ass beating of a lifetime." Mirror Master nodded and brought Kid Flash to the hideout where everything was just chaos. 

Weather Wizard was rocking back and forth in the corner as Pied Piper attempted to calm Robin down. Robin kicked the flute out of his hands and stomped on it all while trying to get out of the chair but Heat Wave was keeping his hands down fearing what would happen if he didn't. There was a chill in the room which was probably the reason Robin was freaking out so badly. His brain had been manipulated to think that even this chill was beginning his hibernation/death and he wasn't having any of it. Captain Boomerang was yelling at Captain Cold but they were just going round and round in circles. Trickster lay on the floor protecting his manhood whilst Top was screaming at them all to be quiet before someone found out they had Robin and told Batman. Then they'd all be screwed. "Everyone shut it!" Kid Flash screamed. Everyone stood still, silent. He glared at every single one of them before going over to his boyfriend. He slapped Heat Wave's hands because nobody in this universe could touch his boyfriend like that then untied the rest of Robin. He swiftly picked him up, allowing him to steal his body heat and glared at them all again.

"Please don't tell Batman," Captain Boomerang begged. 

"Oh trust me, he's going to be the least of your problems. I suggest you beat it before I beat you." The Rogues nodded and rushed out, not wishing to poke the bear any further. "You okay babe?"

"It's freezing in here," Robin responded, teeth chattering. 

"I'll take you home and cuddle you till your toasty, how does that sound?"

"Really good."

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