Why do you love me? {Jeff the Killer love story}

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Chapter 1

*Kat's P.O.V*

I couldn't stand it. Standing her listening to her nonsense gossiping.
Just shut the fuck up already!

My mind gave me a strange urge. An urge that I've never felt before.

What is this? I've never felt this. This urge. To be violent. To hurt her. To kill her.

I shook it off and walked outside. It was faintly drizzling. Light sprinkles of rain hit my face as I walked to my favorite tree in the woods right outside of school. I ate my breakfast here everyday.

I continued to think about what I felt earlier.

"Did I really wanna hurt her?.......Yes"

I ate in silence before returning and continuing the rest of my day in peace. Well almost. Of course Marie Collins, her boyfriend Kevin, and their little group had to come along.

Marie is the lead cheer leader Aka: #1 bitch!

Her boyfriend is Kevin. I don't know much about him other than he moved here after supposedly having an incident at his last school with his group and another kid or some shit like that.

Along with him Eric and Wesly moved with him. Apparently they two were apart of this incident. I don't know. All I've heard is there was death and shit like that.

Then there is Lexi, Carly, Lizzy, and Mira. Aka: The bitches Hench women.

I hate them all. Every last one of them. I couldn't stand them.

They walked up to me in the hall during our free period. If you haven't noticed I'm a loner with no friends so its awkward when the group of dumb and stupid preps interrupt my alone time.

"Are they trying to wear down my sanity?" I growled in my head trying to ignore them.

"Hey look who it is. Little Kitty Kat. What's wrong just to ugly to show your face" Kevin sneered as he talked. Then he harshly grabbed my face and slammed me into the locker.

"I was talking to you bitch! Answer me!"

I stayed silent and looked down again.

"God damn you" he cursed and suddenly my face jerked to the side as he punched me hard in the jaw.

I tasted blood but stayed silent.

"That's it. Hey Eric, Wesly. Remember the last time us and Randy found someone like this. Well lets teach this one a lesson. Except he was smarter than you and fought back" Kevin growled out as him, Eric, and Wesly grabbed me.

"Let me go" I struggled but to no avail. I was screwed.

I never heard about what happened to the kid before. The reason they moved. The reason I'm their new target. And I was actually afraid to find out.

They threw me roughly onto the gravel behind the school. The drizzling had now turned into full on rain. The drops of water beating down on us.

"Listen here you little fag. Before we beat you lets tell a little story. Before we came here we met a fag similar to you. And to keep this short. We set him on fire! But he survived sadly. You on the other hand aren't gonna be so lucky. After we set him up in flames we ran and left him be. You on the other hand. You little bitch. Are gonna get the worst torture imaginable every day." He sneered.
He set someone on fire! How is what I'm gonna get worse then that!

They smirked and started kicking me repeatedly.

I was down, trying to cover my head and ribs, trying to protect myself, but it was no use. It was three against one. The Fates weren't on my side.

Why do you love me? {Jeff the Killer love story}Where stories live. Discover now