Chapter 3: Kat's P.O.V

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I awoke drenched in sweat and bawling. I hurt them. My only two "friends" and I hurt them.

I shuddered at the memory of Jeff's whimpering slashed and bleeding body on the ground. Liu protecting him. Thats how brothers and sisters should be. But i never got that chance.

My family doesn't love me. If they do it isn't noticeable. Im barely spoken to. My parents don't ask how my day was, if i was ok, anything, nothing at all.

I hope, beg, strive to someone, anyone, that i could be ok, have an ok family, an ok life.

But that'll never happen. It's to late.

I cried harder. I'm leaving. Tonight. Far away from here.

Quickly packing my bags i filled it with two white hoodies, my black hoodie, random skinny jeans, my knives (two butcher knives), my phone, charger, and my wallet.

I grabbed my bag and snuk quietly downstairs. I grabbed my combat boots, pulling them on quickly and shoving my converse in my bag.

This is it. Im leaving. For how long, i dont know. But i have to leave.

"Good bye" i said to the house I've grown up. Im 17 now. I've been here in this house for 17 years. And now I'm leaving.

I take off at a run. Darting far away from this place. The wind blowing my hood off of my head as I ran, my hair flowing behind me. Yeah that brown is gonna change soon.

I ran faster. Mt feet thudding against the pavement. I scarecly remembered liu telling me were he was staying.

Pulling out a pen and piece of paper i stopped and scribbled out a letter to him and Jeff.

"Dear Liu and Jeff,

I'm dearly sorry. I wish I could turn back time and stop you from ever meeting me. You would've been better off. But I'm leaving now. Don't try to stop me. I'll never see either of you again. It's better this way. Im dearly very truthfully unbelievably sorry.

Jeffrey. It wasn't really me myself speaking earlier. You weren't just a victim or an easy target. I couldnt control the urge. And for that. I apologize. I couldn't control myself. Hopefully you heal and forget about me. I never meant harm but clearly i caused plenty.

And Liu, thank you. For also being my friend. For singing to me. For being there. I will miss you both. But this is for the better.

Good bye.


Kat Willows"

Careful not to make any noise, I crept over to the first window and carefully peered inside.

Laying there in bed was Jeffrey. He was sleeping soundly. I slowly opened the window and pulled myself in quietly.

Walking over I layed the note on the table beside his bed and dropped softly to my knees.

"Im so sorry Jeffrey. Im so very sorry. I wish i could've stopped. I'm just a monster. I'm nothing but a heartless cold monster. I love you Jeffrey. Thats why I'm leaving. So you'll be safe" I murmured, softly holding his hand and placing a gentle kiss on his palm. I layed my cheek in the palm of his hand and savoured the warmth from it. Then i felt him stur ever so slightly. I stood peering down at him, a tear dripping and landing on his hand.

Hi eyes sleepily fluttered open.

"K-Kat?" He asked.

"Shhhh Jeffrey"

"W-Why are you here?"

He looked up at me, eyes clouded with sleep.

"Im here to see you. A-and apologize. I'm sorry. I forever will be. Im sorry....I love you Jeffrey"

I sat down and hugged his chest softly.

He hugged back and pulled me close in his musular chest.

"And i love you Kat"

I smiled sadly.

Looking up at him, i kissed him softly and slowly.

Breaking away i held him until he dozed back into sleep.

"Goodbye Jeffrey. Goodnight"

And with that i jumped out the window and disappeared into the night.

Why do you love me? {Jeff the Killer love story}Where stories live. Discover now