Kagura Ichimaru [A]

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Name: Kagura Ichimaru

Age: 16 possibly, unknown.

Gender: Female

Race: Human animal hybrid, snake

Looks: Long black hair. She is a weapon, attending the DWMA. She can shift into a katana, twin katanas if she needs to be, and a machine gun. She has green or grey eyes, depending on her mood. She often wears a cloak, hoodie, or jacket. She is also part soul reaper, because of her dad Gin.

Personality: Happy, soft, but hard if she suspects someone of something terrible. She is kind of closed, or shy, with new people. Unless she wants to befriend them. But a little time with her will open her up.

Bio: Kagura is the adopted daughter of Gin Ichimaru. She doesn't think of him as a father, only that he tries to make her perfect. Or what everyone else might say, a snake human. But when she was thirteen, she manages to get away with the help of someone named Namiko, who was their close friend. Namiko didn't make it out, but Kagura then began attending the DWMA to learn how to defend herself. After she had finished attending the DWMA, she became a soul reaper, finding that Namiko is now her Zanpakuto.

Weapon: She is one, and her Zanpakuto

Status: "Ace. And I love him dearly." She glared down at them.

Theme: Nobody Love by Tori Kelly

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