Claudia [A]

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Name: Claudia Clark

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Looks: Dark brown wavy hair with bangs, ends at her elbows, ice blue eyes. She also is a very nerdy girl, and rocks the big-sweater-and-big-glasses look.

Personality: Claudia is a very docile girl. She's passionate about discovering things for herself, though she is very soft spoken. She usually knows everything about anything, sort of a nerd, and uses very formal language. Don't expect her to burst out laughing at a sad joke, because that's not her thing. She's a sort of...Victorian girl in the modern world. It's difficult.

Bio: As far as the oddities go, Claudia is a regular young girl who dreams about the mystical and the fabled, such as dragons, mermaids, faeries, etc. She herself is a dragon spirit, but has not gained any sort of power or such from that side of her. She astral travels in her free time though.

Status: Claudia is sort of...proficient at fighting.

Weapons: N/A

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