Tennison Uzuki [A]

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Name: Tennison Uzuki (Ten-ih-son) Nickname is Tenny

Age: 13 or 16 Depends on if you're RPing with older Tenny or not ^^

Gender: Male

Race: Gijinka; Teddiursa

Looks: Messy brown/sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, and he's short~ He has on a jacket of some time, as always, and carries around a bear. He is soft spoken and doesn't share his opinions, unless he is provoked.

Personality: He's seen as shy and naive. He is oblivious and will appreciate a slice of cake. He is soft spoken and doesn't share his opinions, unless he is provoked. Unknowingly, he is a ladies' man. If you make him angry, he will protect his love ones with his life. His voice will turn dark and husky, and his bad boy comes out.

Bio: Tenny Uzuki is the youngest of the three triplets. He was also split during the Blood Shadow massacre. During his time away from the family, he was put in the Pokemon world, where he became a gijinka/ginka. His pokemon half is a Teddiursa and can be tricky if needed. When he was attacked, once, the enemy made a mistake to kill one of his friends. He went beserk.

"You shouldn't have done that..." His usual soft voice turned dark, husky. "Dark Pulse!!!"

In this stage, most educated people would call this Berserk. It's a sort of mode each of the triplets can go into, however this was a lesser form of the well-known 'berserk mode'. His usual happy nature grew dark, careless. He laughed at his screams and smirked. A smirk that made women faint on sight. He chuckled darkly. "Get outta my sight."

He returned to his other side after he made sure that his friend was put to rest. For the rest of his life, he hid his other side, unless the need comes up to protect someone again~ He was curious: What was that feeling he felt? It made him tingle inside, made him happy. Made him stronger.

Weapon: His weapon is his ability to turn into a Teddiursa, with it's sharp claws. But if he needs to, he'll bring out his side.

Status: Single

Theme: This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars

XOXO [O r i g i n a l  C h a r a c t e r s ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin