𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 #7

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"Are your belongings already in the car?" My dad asked, while my mom and he loaded their bags in the trunk of his car.

"Yes, Dad. I'll be riding with Cedric." I replied, excitement evident in my voice as I darted toward Cedric's car.

"Cedric, drive safely!" My dad shouted after him, emphasizing the importance of a safe journey.

"Of course, Tito. You too." Cedric replied with his reassuring tone, as we hopped into his car and he started the engine.

We were heading to my cousin's resort to celebrate my birthday, as my mom had suggested. Cedric's parents had also joined us on this special trip.

"Babe, could you grab the water jug from my bag?" Cedric requested.

I reached into the bag and retrieved the jug for him, making sure to open it before handing it to him. "Thanks." He said, taking a sip.

"Remember, let me know if you get tired, and we can pull over." I reminded him, concerned about his well-being during the long drive.

"I'm fine. If you're hungry or need to use the restroom, just tell me." He replied, his smile shining with thoughtfulness while his eyes were still fixed on the road.

We're always so considerate of each other, aren't we? I'm truly lucky to have him.

The resort was a two-hour drive away, but we made a pit stop along the way as my mom needed to use the restroom.

"Why don't you go as well?" He suggested.

"Yeah, just wait here." I replied, stepping out of the car, and making my way to the restroom.

When I reached the restroom, I found Cedric's mom and mine inside.

"Oh, Massie, how are you and Cedric? Is everything alright?" Cedric's mom asked, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yes, Tita, we're doing great." I replied with a smile and entered one of the cubicles.

My mom was busy fixing her hair, completely absorbed in her own world. She still acts like a teenager, which always amuses me.

After finishing up, I noticed that both of them had already left. I washed my hands and tidied myself before leaving the restroom.

"Babe, I got your favorite." Cedric said, with a pack of chocolate Kisses in his hand.

"Yay! Thanks, Ced!" I exclaimed, filled with delight, as I kissed him on the cheek, expressing my appreciation for his sweet gesture.

"Can I get a kiss here too?" He asked, pointing to his lips.

"Stop it, you're driving." I playfully scolded him.

He laughed as I continued indulging in the chocolates. They were not enough, though.

After a few hours, we finally arrived at the resort, greeted by my two enthusiastic cousins, Rufs and Rhys, who were ready to celebrate my birthday.

"Cuz! Happy birthday! Here's my gift!" Rufs exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug.

"My turn." Rhys intervened, pulling Rufs away to hug me himself.

"Happy birthday, Cuz. Don't you have any girl friends with you?" Rhys asked mischievously, glancing behind me.

"Hey, stupid! Stop it!" Rufs scolded Rhys, pushing him away and guiding me into the resort. These two siblings are so funny.

Rhys and I were the same age, while Rufs is just a year younger.

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶𝓾𝓶 (𝚁𝟷𝟾 - 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢)Where stories live. Discover now