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Ruby POV

We all jumped into a swirling blue portal and suddenly we were in Regina's castle, but it was different. The last time I was here it was light and lively, now it's just dark, depressing, and empty. We searched the halls for hours with no sign of anybody else. Felix and I decided that we should split up, he would take half of the boys and I would take the other half. We aren't really talking, just, professionally, but never personally.
I searched around more until I came to a dark room. I walked in and it had narrow, long windows that were covered by roped and worn drapes. Then I heard something move behind me. The lost boys drew their weapons,
"Whoever you are, come out NOW"
I said in a yelling whisper tone. I turned my body so I could see everything around me. Then I felt 2 arms grab me from behind.
"Miss me?" Somebody said whispering in my ear.
"Peter!" I sighed In relief.
I immediately turned around and smashed my lips onto his of of course he agreed.
"Ummmm, Ruby can you stop because your father is going to be here in about a second and Pan will have an arrow through his eye." Regina said from the corner.
I let go of Peter, ran over, and hugged her.
"Sorry I'm late." I said jokingly
"Well your just in time, Cora will be here in a few hours, do you know what to do?"
"Yes we do." Peter replied before I had the chance, I turned to him.
"Um actually the potion was made with FELIX and mines DNA intertwined together, there fore we have to do this."
Peter had a annoyed but shocked look on his face but he quickly came over it, so he wouldn't seem jealous, he has a rep. to protect.

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