Ruby's POV
We ran a couple blocks until Regina just flicked her wrist and poofed us back to her castle.
"What was that about?" I asked as we entered the Great Hall.
"Why do people need to know I'm dead?"
She kept looking onwards and walking down the hall.
"PLEASE ANSWER ME!" I tell Peter and Regina were taken aback with my sudden expression.
"Not here I need to show you something." she grabbed my hand as we walked down a long corridor.
We enter the very last room on the left. It looked like a nursery, my nursery.
It was red and pink everywhere with a brown wooden cradle/bed that spelt Ruby on the side in the middle of the room. There was a mobile hanging above the cradle with little red hearts and gold mini crowns. Shelves lined the walls filled with toys and books. A closet on the right wall of the room, with little dresses and outfits I never wore.
"This is mine isn't it."
"Yes it is, this was all yours." Regina replied.
"Then why wasn't it?"
" When I banished you grandmother, Cora she somehow found a way back and caught wind of you, the Princess of Wonderland is coming. She hid around Wonderland not making herself known until the day you were born. Your father and I put you to bed in your newly-made cradle, when she appeared in your room, she waved her hand and we flew out of the room and the door locked, we saw smoke starting to seep through the door cracks but neither of us cared. When we finally got the door open we saw you still in your bed and, " Never Overthrow a Queen" burnt into the square carpet. We looked in you cradle, not a scratch was on you, but you weren't breathing. Robin and I wrapped you up in a blanket and took you to Rumplestiltskin. He told us the only way to bring you back was for one of us to give up some of our years, I wouldn't let Robin do it because he has Rowland, so I gave up some of mine, I have about 4 years left, anyway Cora disappeared and she thinks you are dead and I need to keep you that way, I can't risk you."
"So that's why I was sent through the portal."
"Yes, why are you crying?" She asked as tears ran down my face.
" For 17 years I thought that the reason why I was given up is because I wasn't loved, but now I know that my parents loved me so much that they had to give me up to protect me." I then ran and hugged her.

Love and war
FanfictionThere are 2 worlds lost children go to to find eachother, there is Neverland for the boys, ruled by the ruthless Peter Pan. Then there's That Ocean Island for the girls ruled by Ruby. They have a past that's a "little" complicated. When Pan kidnaps...