Mystery POV
"Cora!" I see her with her back turned looking at the black wall.
"What.... did you finally see something worth my while."
"I think you'll agree that I did, the princess."
"Of what?"
"Of Wonderland." she asked.
"Will Scarlett you know I don't like liars.... that's impossible I killed her 17 years ago."
"No Rumplestiltskin bring her back for of course a price."
She moved across the room and plopped down in a black chair in the corner.
"What price?"
"EXPLAIN!" She yelled.
"Your daughter gave up years...... to resurrect Ruby.... um your majesty."
"Stupid girl."
"Excuse me you majesty but we had a deal one life for another in return. Ruby for Anastasia. And Ruby's not dead but my Anastasia is because of your daughter. That girl needs to die."
"I do agree Mr. Scarlett just let me plan and I'll get back to you, just keep your eye one them."Peter's POV
Ruby's parents invited us for dinner and it was super awkward . We literally are just sitting around the table eating and it's dead silent except for the clanking of forks on plates.
"So where have you been for 17 years." Regina asked Ruby.
"Well I was in the foster system for a while then I ended up in Neverland and fell in love with Peter Pan here. Then we started disagreeing in stuff and he tried to kill me in my sleep then I left and ran my own island for about 20 years, I think, called Ocean Island and I lived with the lost girls, lonely girls I would take from the land with no magic for a better life. Peter then found me again and I hated him especially when he murdered the Lost Girls in front of my eyes. Then I killed myself yada yada blood blood. Oh then in death the lost girls appeared to me knowing that I still loved Peter an told me it was okay to go back with him so I came back to life. Then like a month later he got kinda bored and this new girl Wendy shows up and he cheats on me with her, then I threatened to leave until he wiped my memory of that ever happening, but then I found out and I tried killing him but then he caught me and then he killed me. He like instantly regretted it and turned back time to before I left the 1st time and now everything is fine."
Regina and Robin just sat there staring at her.
"Hey how did you know about all of that."
"Oh shadow told me but don't worry I'm fine I'm over it." she then took and big glass of wine and choked it down.
"You sure-"
"Yhea" she cut me off.
"So a lot happened." Regina said very awkwardly.
"Yhea" me and Ruby said at the same time.
"Did you really try to kill my daughter twice and then succeeded the second time." Robin asked.
"Yhea" I replied.
"And you tried to kill him?" Regina asked.
"Yhea. Just process,process and let it go."
Regina and Robin both poured their wine glasses full and downed It with a very worried and confused look.

Love and war
أدب الهواةThere are 2 worlds lost children go to to find eachother, there is Neverland for the boys, ruled by the ruthless Peter Pan. Then there's That Ocean Island for the girls ruled by Ruby. They have a past that's a "little" complicated. When Pan kidnaps...