Peters POV
The way this potion works is that it'll create at portal allowing myself to jump in and be in my past body. When I'm in my past body, I'll stop from trying to kill her and just leave it alone, this way all of this never happened.
Once I made sure the potion was done I put it in a vile and dripped a circle in front of me. The blue portal swirled and swished, then I jumped.
It only took about 30 seconds but I awoke in my past body, I was close, the dagger was in hand ready to plunge. But I quickly stored it away and I climbed into to the bed next to her, I was nice to have her next to me again. I scooted close to her and wrapped my arm around her torso.
"You were going to kill me?"
i heard a soft voice, it was hers. I was ready to explain but I saw she was dreaming. She tossed, but nothing serious, then through the night it got more violent.
"DAD, STOP PLEASE STOP HITTING HER, SHES NOT BREATHING. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, DON'T KILL HER." She screamed in her sleep, I tried to wake her up, but the whole thing stopped. Then it occurred to me that she just showed up in Neverland, I know nothing about her past. Where did she come from and who are her parents?
She was shaking so I held her hand then it stopped. When my hand brushed her wrist, I could feel bumpy lines. I gently brought her wrist up so I could see it. They were straight cut scars across her wrists. What would make her do this, what happened in her past that was so bad that she cut her own flesh and bleed out, what happened?

Love and war
FanfictionThere are 2 worlds lost children go to to find eachother, there is Neverland for the boys, ruled by the ruthless Peter Pan. Then there's That Ocean Island for the girls ruled by Ruby. They have a past that's a "little" complicated. When Pan kidnaps...