Chapter 13

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Friday afternoon. The whole week prior, I had avoided college. Avoided Ayaan actually. It would be hard to go back just about now.

To see that annoying face of his and have all the memories come back. I know that I have to let that go but how. Why doesn't anyone make a manual or a guide on 'How to Move On from A Bad Break-Up'.

Ayaan would, I'm sure, be unaffected and least bothered. But I would be on the receiving end of my own agony again.

Aisha met me at Monkey bar at exactly 3.00 with anger. Dressed in beige pants and a cute black, tight-fitting crop-top, she looked beautiful.

She stormed towards me with creases in between her eye brows, lips pouting and arms flailing.

"First of all, where were you all these days Ki? Do you know how miserable I was all those days? It was sooo boring without you.

Nyra keeps going on and on about that lousy party and some senior she kissed, Amyra is busy sucking up to the profs. I was all alone!

Do you know how lonely I felt?", she paused to take a breath and then started again. "And secondly who comes to a bar in the AFTERNOON?! Its 3 pm, and we are at a bar. We were supposed to come here at 8.30 not now. But I even thought you would back out of this as well."

I let her rant some more, and finally she plonked down onto the bar stool like a deflated balloon.

I ordered two glasses of red wine and sat down. I wasn't going to give her the actual reason for me not going to college, just yet.

I wasn't sure whether I was ready for that. I told her I was really sick, throwing up and sleeping all the time. I blamed a horrible cheese sandwich I had had at the party.

Again, I knew she wasn't buying into what I told her. But she reserved her questions. I love this girl!

She sipped from her glass before fashionably swirling the contents, without spilling even a drop. After a few sips, she smiled warm and nice and I smiled back.

"Well, I hope you are feeling better now, and yes the food was horrible. But I just freaked out Kiara. We met on the first day and have been together since. I might have become too dependent and you might find me nosy but—"

"You know I don't. And...its ok. I understand. I missed you too. I am sorry, I shouldn't have just skipped like that without informing you." She shook her head, tipping it back and laughing.

We settled everything and drank wine without any sillier arguments. Talked about how college was, she had met a guy in college, on Monday and she relented in giving me full physical description.

By the time we were three glasses down, it was 5 pm. Aisha had to rush because she had to go for an appointment with the dentist she had completely forgotten about. I tipped the remaining drops of my wine and headed out the glass door.

And BAM!

I collided into a rock-hard chest clad in a sweet peach coloured sweatshirt. A pleasant cologne filled my nostrils. It was one of the rare ones that made you want to stop and sniff some more. I looked up to see the face and resisted the urge to smack my forehead.

Damn it! Shit!

Ayaan stared at me. Stared at me like they do in stupid movies as the lovers' eyes meet and hair fly and shit happen.

I looked from side to side then behind him. I didn't know what else to do. Would I look idiotic if I tried to duck under his arm which was holding the door, and run and not stop until I reached home? But before I could move even an inch, he spoke.

"Hi. Now that you've finally met me. Let's go inside and talk." Even after all these years, I did not fail to recognise the deep bass in sonorous voice.

I looked at his face, searching it. Waiting and bracing myself, in case he laughed and said, "Gotcha! It was only a joke! I was dared to ask you to come spend time with me." However, he just looked at me with innocent eyes.


"I...I have to go. I can't...I—"

"Look Kiara I know...I know I burned bridges but what's the point in avoiding me?"

"Um...I'm not avoiding you at all—"

"C'mon. I know, we both know. There was no reason why you would bunk college right after we bumped into each other at that party. So, there's no need to pretend, okay? Let's go inside, or do you want to go somewhere else, considering you were coming out".

I felt myself shudder. How could he be so cool about it. He had destroyed 4 years (and counting) of my life. Years I could have used in getting better grades, used in doing something about my average face, used in laughing more than crying.

And yet, here he stood wanting to catch up? Without any regret. As if it wasn't his fault. I had spent so many days feeling miserable about myself and hating every aspect of it. And when I finally grew out of self-hate I was challenged with low confidence.

And this overgrown nincompoop was out to topple my Jenga building of everything I had pieced together since he left.

"I'd rather jump off the Burj Khalifa to my death happily, than tolerate your remorseless ass."

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