Surprise Kitty Cat!

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I was sitting on the bed of my room in Jade's house, exhausted with a dry throat. I grab my phone an turn it on, the Galaxy Parallax Live Wallpaper that was the color black lit the Samsung Galaxy phone. 11:51. I sighed softly, lifting the blanket off my body and peaking into Austin's side of the room. He was sound asleep, snoring as well. Frowning, I leave the room and go to the kitchen for water to soothe my dryness.

With a mug in hand, I go on the porch. Yes, still in thin night pajamas. Hey, I'm from one of the coldest State in The USA, Alaska!

Jade had always made sure there was never snow on the heightened porch, so he could go out at night to clear his mind, as well as during the day, but more so night. I sat on the comfortable -and cold, I might add- chair that looked over the city of New York. Just thinking.
Why did I become Kitteh in the first place? Oh yeah, it was my childhood dream.

How come the Government took me? And not another cat? What did I have that they wanted so much?

A memory of the experiments made me shudder.

What if they find me?

What happened to my long lost siblings? How come they weren't experimented on?

I shook my head. "I'm just glad it was me and not one of them..."

"How cute,"

My head snapped, but only met the green orbs of Raphael. "Ael." I smile faintly, making him smile his handsome smile. Yes, I find him nice looking, nothing more.

"Nice performance you had, Fall, I... I didn't think you were Kitteh... Mikey had to be held back so he wouldn't bust in and come up to you!"

I look curiously at the Red clad turtle, trying to piece away the puzzle. "Mikey?"

"Oh yeah, my annoying little brother, Michelangelo."

"How many siblings do you have...?"

"Three. Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo. All the most annoying people in the world!"

I chuckle, drinking some water. "They sound wonderful. I have a protective brother-like boy named Austin, as well as father figure, Jade. You probably heard about them if Michelle is a huge fan, yah know?"

"Definitely. Liara your tailor, Jade's the Agent, and Austin Kitt, of course, your second hand singer." I nod, drinking more water.

"Yes, Michelle must be a great fan of mine?" Raphael nods, rolling his hues.

"I think he steals Donnie's computer when we're sleeping and watches your YouTube videos all the time."

I giggle, making me choke on some water, but it cleared up quickly. "Michelle sounds like the youngest."

"He is. But I need to go right now," he turns to leave, but pauses and turns his head to me once again, "Night, Kitty Cat." He flashed me another grin before disappearing out into the night, possibly home.

I smile and go inside, a yawn creeping up my throat. I refill my mug and go to my room.

"Heather? Why are you still awake?" I turned to see a bed messy Jade further down the hall, I flash a smile his way.

"Couldn't sleep with a dry throat. ... I was thinking about taking a morning stroll in town tomorrow, you cool with that?"

He smiles back, nodding tiredly. "Like always, just try not to be found by the pound, kay?" I nod, telling him a thank you before curling into the warm bed and falling fast asleep.

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