2. Friends...right..?

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Just as the sun peaked in, I did my normal routine. Still with the feeling of being watched, I ran to Nathen's home. As I past over some snow, I slipped on some ice, which is quite surprising for a cat, and hit some sharp ice with my shoulder. I could of sworn I heard someone flinch in the shadows, but brushed away the thought without paying mind to my wound.
I mean, it can't be that bad... right?....

Some humans gave me odd looks as I passed them, I ignored them and continued on my way.

Nothing interesting happened on my way there, but when I got there, a little mouse saw me and ran away. I shook my head and scratched at the door frame loudly before Nathen's mother opened it and smiled, picking me up, but gasped in horror. I gave a questioning meow, before looking to where she was staring at. Blood. My blood. Horror filled my eyes as she yelled. "Nathen! Liara! Come quick!" Fear was in her voice, thin and clear. Rapid footprints down stairs and another up a stair case. Not soon after Nathen came in, his face paled and frozen at me, like his greatest fears were right there in front of him. Not long after Liara brought me carefully in her arms, dark black spots started darting my vision while Liara barked orders and the family scurring around frantically. Last I saw were Liara's eyes darting to me with caring fear.

"FALA..!-" was the last heard voice too.
I escaped death once, but I can't again, right?

Screamed a voice in my head.
Get out of my head!
No, you useless cat!
Go away!
Idiot, useless, unwanted, ugly cat!
Sh-shut up! I'm not an i-idiot, I'm a-a genius cat! I'm not Useless! Nathen and his family want me! I-I...
Just like your mother... useless..... and just like your father, ugly. Just like your uncle, a klutz. Just like your aunt, gullible. Just like your grandmother, fragile....

The voice ranted on and on, breaking me piece by piece.
You think Nathen wants a mutated, weird, ugly cat like you? If he did, wouldn't he do anything in his POWER to bring you into his family?
"Mutated becomes corrupt,
Corrupt becomes evil,
Evil becomes Ruler,
Only one to fix the Mutated"

The bewitched voice rang the stupid words in my mind until I clutched my head, returning to my senses. I hissed as it continued to ring, my ears feeling like they're going to explode into millions of little bits and pieces before being fried up into a frying pan.

A soft touch on my head brought the voice away 'til I looked up at the person. The dark blue eyes that shaded black watering slightly while the short black hair in straight bangs that shaded into a dark red tips. Zachary. I jumped, backing up until I fell off what I was on. It was a bed orginally a extra large baby doll bed, bark, polished wood as the framing   glistening at the black and red small blanket, while the red pillows that cushioned my head and arm were scattered after me. Zachary chuckled slightly, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Look, I'm not sure how to say this... it-" the fourteen year old was interrupted by his little brother, Travis, ran in, dirty blonde hair bouncing and honey brown eyes filled with happiness, and scooped me up. I whimpered slightly as some pain slightly weaved through my shoulder while he tightly hugged me and kissed my head over and over again. "Thiel!!!" His six year old voice squeaked happily as I felt like I was going to die right then and there.

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