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"Looooouie!" Eleanor exclaimed loudly. "Elllllllllllleeeeeanor!" I was absolutely full of energy today. Why? Today was my 20th birthday obviously! Ugh, Harry was still out with that braud, Taylor.

"What's up, love?" she asked. I loved when El was around, although we weren't actually dating, I think that if I was straight, I'd deffinitely fall for her. "I miss him, so much." I whined, letting my feet hit the floor as I fell on the couch. "He'll be back, in what a few hours?" she said as calmly as possible. El knew how upset I was.

"But still!" I groaned. "He's with her." Almost the whole band, knew about 'Haylor.' What the heck kind of shipping name is that?! Haylor sucked, and she made my Niall baby cry, which fumed me. Still, Harry resists to believe it! El shakes her head and laughs. "She isn't that bad, I mean if she thinks, they're dating..."

I shook my head. "Nonononono, Harry Edward Styles is all mine. Mineminemineminnnee!" I was indeed a very, very jealous type of person. I knew it killed him as much as it killed me when El and I did all that cute kissy- lovey- dovey stuff out in public. Hey, Management wants what Management wants.. Right? We hated it a lot although. "It's Christmas Eve, Lou! It's your birthday!" I shake my head. "I need a nap, pleeeease!" She smiles, and shakes her head playfully. "Go nap, and I'll wake you when he arrives." I smile and rush into our room. Harry and I lived together, again.

At first, we did as friends and yeah yeah. I threw my shirt to the floor, and got under about three thick and fluffy comforters. Ahhh, toasty. I think to myself, as I finally doze off into sleep. With one last yawn, I pass out. Completely.

[7:52 PM.] From Harry<3 Hey babe! I'll be home soon :) I have a present for you aha.

[7:59 PM.] From Harry<3 Where are you?? Well I'll be home soon! She's coming though xoxo

[8:01 PM.] To Harry<3 Just woke up o: I'm exhausted, ugh is she?

[8:02 PM.] From Harry<3 She is, I'm sorry! I love you <3 I have a present for you to unwrap;)

[8:04 PM.] To Harry<3 Is it you?

[8:04 PM.] From Harry<3 Get out here & find out.

I rush out the door, my face immediately lights up as I see those dimples appear. Harry drops his bags, and gives me a warm welcoming hug. "I missed you." he whispers in my ear. Then I see her. That perky witch. She just stands there, a bag in her hand, and a distasteful look on her face. "I'm Eleanor." El bumps in, to seal the awkward silence. "Taylor." She holds out her hand, "How polite." I mutter under my breath. "Be nice Lou!" Haz squeaks so nobody can hear it but me.

"The other lads will be here at about eight thirty." El smiles brightly. Taylor pulls Harry to the side, whispering something in his ear. "Yes, Niall will be coming." He grits through his teeth. "If you have a problem, you don't need to go." I say as sweetly as I can. "Don't be so rude, babe." El politely kisses my lips, and the hurt in Harry's eyes makes my heart drop. Taylor, being the witch she is, rabs Harry and shoves her tongue down his throat. Ew. That is retchid.

The door bell rang, and I smiled. "The boys!" First Niall came in, his mouth stuffed with some type of food. "Happy birthday Louis!" He sounded so muffled, and I laughed as we hugged. Then Zayner rushed in with a bag or two. "HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAY LOOOOUIIIIS!" He hugged me tighter, nearly breaking my body. Then rushed in Liam, "I'm not late right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU!" I attempted to give him a noogie but his shaved head, just made me chuckle. Taylor just gives Niall a few dirty looks, and glances away.

"So what are we doing tonight, Looouiiie?" Niall asked, the thickness in his accent sticking out. I laughed, "Clubbing, right?" Liam tapped his chin. "Is that a good idea, Mister Tomlinson?" I nodded my head yes. "Rule numero uno, no getting TOO WASTED." Zayn pointed to Niall, as Liam said that. "So what? Irish men get drunk, it's not bad!" Excuses, excuses. I laughed at them. Then out of the blue, Haz sat on my lap and I laughed. 'But remember Aussie?" They all cracked up. "He was so dirty!" Niall blushed, "Okokok, let's go, yeah?" Harry stood up, and gave me that look.

I just, wow, that look. "Pile in the cars!" We all squished in, me next to Harry of course. But of course, Taylor just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to sit on his lap. I rubbed my thumbs aganist my forehead, to try and not get such a headache.

[9:00 PM.] From Management If you go out tonight, Taylor and Eleanor have to go with. Not just you & Harry.

[9:01 PM.] To Management All of the boys are going out tonight, including the ladies. Thanks for the happy birthday! -.-

We finally arrived to the club, 21. I slid out and zoomed in, avoiding any type of papz or screaming, physcho fans. But, 'Haylor' stopped and took a million pictures, kissing. Holding hands, my stomach churned. "Have fun and ignore all that." Niall hissed into my ear, smiling. Sometimes, I could just swear that boy had the biggest crush on me, ever. But hehe, he always denied it.

The sound of the music made my pulse race. They played a few of our songs and I honestly just realized how dirty Another World was, wow. I was dancing with the boys, Harry, El, and even a few strangers. Wow, was I gonna have a hangover tommorrow.

[Author's Note] So, haha. I decided to write some Larry! How cute, awwwwe! Well, hehe. I just realized how dirty Another World is too, so, >>> why don't you take a listen? And tell me what you think? <3 xoox. Oh & I hope you like the Larry gif I posted. My apoligies to the mobile readers!

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