3. tempestuous.

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1. very strong and intense emotions.
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friday night, dinner date

i finally slipped into my rouge satin mini dress that lightly clung onto my figure after completing my hair and makeup. i resisted analysing my body too much in the overly large mirror and spritzed my ultimate perfume over my body.

"mmm, 'ello babeh.." the man i loved to despise appeared behind me in the reflection and stared at me like i was his prey.

"mhm, don't try it on alex." i uttered under a sensual tone as his warm hands encircled my waist, his divine scent surrounded me and our eyes locked onto each other in the mirror.

"don't look so fockin' sexeh then.' he lowly spat in my ear, his short stubble pricked my neck and his warm breath hit my skin, giving me goosebumps. he glared up at me darkly through his eyebrows in the mirror with the hint of a smug smile.

"you're just horny." i placed my hands against his and forcefully pulled out of his addicting grip to try and escape his irresistible sexual advances.

"says yeh." he husked sarcastically with a dirty smirk spread across his flush-pink lips, i leant against my dresser and turned completely away from him.

"yeh couldn't keep yer 'ands off of meh, or.. yerself last night darlin'," his voice naturally deepened. he always knows the right things to say and do, when it comes to sex that is.

"do yeh remember, babeh? i came home to yeh wiv yer 'ands in yer knickers, beggin' meh to fock yeh senseless." he hummed deeply into my ear, his body pressed right up against me. i felt a sensational rush of heat pound in my centre, the fact that he was relaying last night's events and using them against me so close into my ear, was making me grow more and more turned on by the second.

"i could take yeh right 'ere, love. right now, right against this dresser." he groaned into my ear yet again and trailed his voice off into a heavenly moan, gripped his hands on the edge of the dresser, his fucking veiny masculine hands that i adored. i imagined him pounding into me relentlessly from behind, his dishevelled hair falling into his eyes, sweat beading on his cupids bow, him angrily uttering crude and violent profanities into my ear whilst i clutched the hair from the back of his head in between my fingers and struggled to keep my sanity.

"i could pound yeh so 'ard into this dresser that yer left wiv bruises on yer 'ips." he muttered seductively and i couldn't help but let a soft sigh fall from my lips.

"mmm.. babeh, yeh know i love leaving me mark on yeh." he almost moaned and softly grinded his hips into me, his rock-hard bulge becoming more apparent against my ass.

"bite me." i ordered under a quivered breath filled with desperation.

"good girl." he whispered, moved my hair to the opposite side and planted a gentle kiss on my neck which sent shivers down my spine. then he gripped onto my skin with his teeth and applied pressure, i hummed in satisfaction and rolled my head back in response. he released my skin from his teeth and sucked on it, rolling it in between his teeth to leave a hefty mark, just like he loves.

"yeh mark so well darlin', it drives me crazy." his voice was gritty and rough, filled with lust and hunger.

"i think i want to go for dinner.. now. i want to play," i whispered, pausing when he kissed the same spot he bit on my neck.

"yeh naughty girl, try yer best." he teased with the hint of a smirk in his voice. "i know i will." he grinned and trailed his hand up my torso and grabbed my breast, then walked away.

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