5. dark.

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...jesus, stop bitin' yer lips...

...can yeh even breathe?

...'ow comes we left it so long doll?


thursday night, your place

it was cold, pitch black outside and only about 5 in the afternoon. i was bored, had no work on the day or the following. had opened up a bottle of whiskey and drank it on the sofa.


i got up to go and get the door, not expecting anyone. i opened the door to see alex. his long, thick hair hiding his wonderful face, his piercing dark eyes analysing me from head to toe and quickening the pace of my heartbeat.

"hello alex." i broke the silence.

"'ello, y/n." he said while exhaling a breath.

"you alright?" i asked, wondering why he was here. he rarely comes to my place on his own, it's always with our friends. to be honest we don't even get on that well, he can be cocky at times and that doesn't rub off well on me.

"yeah, yer not busy are yeh?" he asked politely, i think he knew i wasn't busy at all..

"no, i'm not. you need something?" i asked, my hand on my hip and the other above me on the door. i was wearing a matching cami and short set that was floral. knew he had definitely noticed due to his wondering eyes and the slight smirk screaming to stretch across his lips.

"not particularly. could i borrow yer company for a bit though?" he said, his eyes falling down to my lips then back up to my eyes again. he brushed his long locks away from his face.

"i don't see why not, come in." i said, unsure of his motive for coming here. like i said, we're not really that friendly, but sometimes we get along. i gestured for him to come in, and he did so. i closed the door behind me and he stood in the kitchen.

"it smells like whiskey, not drownin' yer sorrows are yeh?" he said bluntly. he bit his lip, licking it after, creating a noise that was weirdly satisfying.

"i wouldn't call it drowning my sorrows al, just had a glass, want some?" i offered, trying to avoid looking down at his sheeny lips, but failing miserably. he slightly smirked because he noticed.

"yeah, go on." he said and smiled. i walked to the living room to get the bottle of whiskey and my glass. i placed the bottle and my glass on the kitchen island and walked towards alex to get to the cupboard behind him for another glass.

"'ave yeh got ice?" he broke the incredible silence with his low, sultry voice.

"yes, in the freezer." i nodded my head to the fridge and poured his glass of whiskey. he went to the freezer and got the ice out, walking over to me to stand very close. i could smell him more now, cigarettes and a strong woody cologne, mixed with... something sexy. he slowly dropped two cubes of ice into his glass, his veiny hands catching my attention. i could feel this going in the opposite direction of a friendly visit immediately.

"yer perfume's vereh nice." he almost whispered, his voice so soft but slightly raspy and hoarse at the same time. the more he talks to me, the less i can deny my attraction to him. his voice drives me wild.

"thank you, i like whatever you're wearing." i said and looked up at him with suggestive eyes. i took the ice tray from him and walked over to the freezer to put it back. when i turned around, he was leaning on the counter with his arm, looking right at me. i could have pounced on him then, but i have class, and i also like to be taken charge of...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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