4. good girl.

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...yeh're a good girl, aren't yeh?


after an arctic monkeys gig, alex's house party

the kitchen is full of rowdy, familiar friends, bleeding out into the living room. music is thumping and unforgettable voices overpower it.

"come 'ere littleun!" miles said, beckoning me over to the burgundy sofa where other friends were chilling.

"hello everyone." i said and smiled as i sat next to miles.

"y'lright y/n?" miles and others asked and he friendly wrapped his arm around me and squeezed my arm.

"good! have you seen al?" i stayed smiling and squeezed him back affectionately.

"aww yous two are adorable, fink he went to the bathroom." he genuinely smiled, i'm always with al and we always ask where we are if we're apart.

"alright, how are you mi?" i sat up properly on the sofa, grabbing a pillow to hold and turned towards him.

"me? i've been better to be honest, just fings wiv my girl haven't been great." his beaming electric smile faded, he wasn't happy.

"oh no, what's been going on?" i asked.

"i wish there was like a proper reason you know? but i fink we're just driftin' apart." his face had completely dropped by now. i placed my hand on his back and rubbed it to comfort him.

"shit, it's heartbreaking when that happens. i'm sorry mi, have you sat her down and spoken to her about it?" i asked.

"no, i fink i'm gonna do it some point this week, should i?" he asked, then sipped on his drink.

"yes, the best thing you can do is talk to her and lay out your feelings on the table to figure out where you can go from there on, trust me." i smiled and took my hand off of his back.

"fanks alot, y/n. great at advice you are." his magical smile was back.

"it's no biggie, always here if you need, remember that." i said and gave him a tight hug.

"same for you, love." he said.

we sat there quietly, looking around the party and drinking our drinks.

"i've a feelin' you 'n al are the real deal yaknow." he interrupted the comfortable silence of our conversation with a smile.

"that would be nice." i said and couldn't help but smile wide.

"aaanndd speak of the devil." he shouted and pointed at alex. he looked cool as ever like always. dark slick back hair, dark eyes, smart blazer with the sleeves rolled up, and that perfect smile. i immediately stood up and went over to him, feeling his eyes follow me still shakes up my nerves..

"well 'ello there darlin'." he smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"hello al." i mirrored his smile and wrapped my arms around his slim torso, my cheek against his soft cotton t-shirt. i felt warm arms hug me back.

"i've loved tonight. the gig were amazin', yeh've all been amazin', and yeh... yeh look spectacular.." he said the last part and pulled away from the hug to look at me, our faces close, a cheeky smirk present on his lips.

"thank you." i smiled and kissed him lightly on the nose.

"god, we've known each other what, two months and i feel like i've known yeh for way longer..." he said sweetly, the rasp in his voice evident as he fixed an astray strand of my hair at the front.

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