Chapter 2

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After the hazing Slater, Pink, and I decided to go to Pickford's house. My god what is wrong with me and why do I keep agreeing to things that I know will make me look stupid. I mean seriously you'd think that now that I'm gonna be a Senior I'd be smarter than this. I kept asking myself this question until we got to Kevin's house. Then we were walking in the house after saying hi to Mrs. Pickford she was like my second mother.

All three of us walked up the stairs and in front of the door "Wait let me do something really quickly it'll be funny." Slater and pink raised a questionable eyebrow at me wondering what I was going to do next. I then counted on my fingers from three all the way down to one. I started to bang on the bedroom door hearing a thump and a groan coming from the inside. I saw the door knob twist and the door crack open.

There was smoke coming out of the room. Jesus did he hot box the motherfucker. When he saw all of us his pained face turned to one of anger and annoyance. "Christ O'Bannion what the hell did you do that for!" He only uses my last name when he's really pissed off at me. Oh god am I in deep shit now.

I stepped in the room first and immediately plugged my nose. "What did you smoke man!" I had already known what it was I just wanted to mess with him a little bit. "What can your little Angel lungs not handle a little weed?" I swear if he teases me any further I'm gonna slap him upside his damn head.

"God I think I'm getting a secondary high." I was gagging at the smell of the smoke. I was never one to smoke weed or do any drug for that matter. I'm a very lightweight person. So the slightest bit of alcohol will have me leaning over a toilet for hours on end.

But my older brother can down shots like it's apple juice man. "Hey man you know I'm a light weight to anything" I stated. We all laughed at the fact that I can't stomach anything but food and drinks. "Yeah I know that's why I did this cause I knew you were gonna be here man!" Ok now he's asking to get the shit kicked out of him.

After a little bit of talking to each other he lit another blunt handing it off to Slater. "Sample the goods fifteen bucks" he told him. "Can you spot me ten" Slater asked Pink. Pink looked like he might choke on the smoke hearing that. He shook his head no and kept hitting the blunt. But he eventually gave the money to Slater.

Kevin said something inaudible but we laughed anyway. There was a knock on the door "who is it" Kevin asked standing in a hurry to get all of his stuff in place. "Kevin I think you need to come out here a minute" his mom announced through the door. "Kevin there's someone out here that says he needs to talk to you." Oh my goodness women do you ever shut up for one second. "What about" Kevin asked still trying to rid the smell of weed from the room.

"Kevin open the door" His father told him with a stern voice. I nudged Slater to put the weed away. Which he only did as soon as Kevin's dad came through the door. Could he be anymore stupid at a time like this. "Hey dad mom" he was using his nervous voice which was not the time to use might I add. "Did you order some kegs of beer" his dad accused more than questioned.

"Noo" Kevin said trying to act as confused as possible. "Well there's a fellow with a beer truck down the street that says you did." Could the old man not be a jerk for once in his life? "Oh really" Kevin asked again to which his dad replied with "yeah". "Just a sec" Kevin said coming over to look out the window. Sure enough there was the beer guy right outside the window.

I have a good feeling there isn't gonna be a party tonight. "Shit" Kevin cursed already having the same feeling I was. His dad had walked into the room inspecting Kevin. "That guy said I ordered a keg of beer?" God love him but he is terrible at acting clueless.

"Yeah he said it was to be delivered to the Pickford residence." His dad is like my second father but sometimes he can be real stuck up. "This address" Kevin said trying to sound like he was making sure he heard it right. "This address" Frank said not believing any of Kevin's bullshit for a second. "Hm that's kinda funny why don't I go down there and see what's going on."

Yeah there's definitely not gonna be a party after this. "Yeah I think you better" Frank agreed. "I'll be right back" Kevin said. "You guys know anything about a party here tonight?" Please do not fail me now Pink. I wouldn't doubt Frank could tell Slater was lying he was terrible at it.

"No" they replied trying but failing at making it sound like they were telling the truth. Kevin's dad had left the room shutting the door behind him. "Nice going ya big doofus" I scolded Pink. "Me you could have said something at anytime" he said trying to stick up for himself. "Yeah sure and go down with the rest of you no thanks." I'm not getting into trouble with my brother.

If Freddy ever found out I was here he would flip his shit. "Hey Pink I heard there was a baseball game tonight" I told him. "Yeah there is I'm gonna be going to it with the guys" he tells me. "Well could you take me with you" I ask cautiously. "I don't know man what will your brother say" he asks me wearily.

"Who cares what Freddy says I'm not even supposed to be here right now and do you hear a phone ringing." Seriously sometimes these people need to let go and mellow out. I mean come on what's Freddy gonna do grab his paddle and beat me with it. He knows better than to do that to me. "Listen you take me to the game and I'll deal with my brother" I stated to Pink.

"I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt" he says the nervousness settling in his bones. "Come on don't be nervous it'll be fun" I say enthusiastically. " Yeah your right what could go wrong" he rhetorically asks me. "Now you see that's the spirit" I acknowledged. If only I knew I would be digging myself into a bigger hole.

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