Chapter 24

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Dave tapped the end of his cigarette, watching as the ash fluttered down to the ground three storeys below. He was at Alan's house again, and it was late enough that Alan was probably going to invite him to stay over. After all, Dave had just spent the last eight hours designing Alan's album cover, the two of them going over all the finer details until late into the night. Glancing at his phone, Dave wasn't surprised to discover it was already 2am. Time always seemed to fly whenever he was with Alan.

Of course Dave genuinely enjoyed working with Alan, who was a very meticulous but patient person. But at the same time, things were getting worse. He was falling for Alan deeper and deeper, and he knew there was no turning back at this point. He knew Alan had jokingly dropped that hint about a threesome, which implied that he may not be completely straight. But that didn't mean he returned Dave's feelings in any way.

Taking a deep drag of his cigarette, Dave let out a long stream of smoke into the cold night air. He didn't think he could take it if Alan rejected him. Alan, being the kind and considerate person he was, would let Dave down gently, of course. But Dave didn't think he could continue to be friends with someone he wanted so desperately but was off limits.

But what if he didn't let you down?  A voice whispered in his head. What if he wanted you too?

Honestly, it was really hard to read Alan most days and tell what he was thinking. Alan was very good at keeping a calm façade, always relaxed and laid-back. In contrast, Dave felt like an emotional mess whose face was an open book. He was so certain that everyone who looked at him could instantly tell that he was in love with Alan. Knox definitely knew, for sure. Every time Dave mentioned he was going over to Alan's place, Knox would roll his eyes heavenward with a sigh.

Dave wasn't sure if the others, like Flood or Johnny, were aware. Martin was a big mystery too, although his face always saddened whenever Dave cracked a joke with Alan. That wasn't quite Dave's fault, though. Even though he'd tried his best to make things with Martin normal again, there was still something fractured between them. Maybe Martin's feelings ran deeper than he'd let on.

"Fuck me," Dave said out loud with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Alan's voice behind him. "Sure, you want to do it right here, out on the balcony?" Alan said with a laugh, coming to join Dave at the railing.

As much as Dave genuinely wanted that, he wasn't psychotic enough to mistake it for anything but a joke. "But then all your neighbours will get to watch," Dave quipped, winking at Alan. "We should charge them for tickets, Charlie."

To his surprise, Alan was flashing him a flirtatious smile, their bodies touching from shoulder to hip. "Why not? You and me would probably put on a really good show. Could earn us quite a few quid, yeah?"

Now Dave was a little overwhelmed with Alan's closeness, unable to stop thinking about Alan bending him over the balcony railing, thrusting hard into Dave like one of his most lurid fantasies. Maybe it was the tiredness or maybe it was Dave's tendency to be bold and reckless, but he found himself leaning in just a bit closer. "I'm game if you are, mate."

Alan's smile faded, his playful expression turning serious and thoughtful. Dave just kept his gaze locked on Alan's, wondering how long he could get away with this loaded silence before it all became too awkward. But to his surprise, it wasn't uncomfortable, not at all. The tension between them was growing, but in a way that was anticipatory, not awkward.

"Dave..." Alan's gaze dropped to Dave's lips; he was being unusually hesitant.

"Daddy?" Paris's voice at the door broke the spell, Dave quickly jerking backwards and away from Alan, whose confusion was quickly replaced with concern. Paris was standing at the balcony door in her pyjamas, holding her stuffed toy and rubbing her eyes.

"What's wrong, love?" Alan quickly walked over to lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. "Had a bad dream?"

"Can I have some milk, please?" Paris asked pleadingly, clutching tighter onto her toy.

"Of course, come with me to the kitchen." Alan spared Dave an apologetic look before picking his daughter up and carrying her inside, the voices fading as a very confused Dave was left alone on the balcony.

"What the hell just happened?" he muttered under his breath, blinking down at the floor.

Maybe it was better they'd been interrupted by Paris after all.

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