Chapter 22

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It had been hard for Martin to face Dave after the whole fiasco at his art exhibition. Part of it was based on his disappointment with himself for failing to protect Alan's interests. He had been so dead set on fixing Alan up with Nicole that he had completely ignored the growing friendship between Dave and Alan, and the unmistakable look of longing in Dave's eyes. 

Now, Martin only wasn't sure of how Alan felt. Alan was a lot harder to read than Dave, as the walls he had built up around himself after his wife's death were so tough to tear down, they practically had DEFCON 1-level security. Martin decided that this left him no choice other than to read Alan's thoughts about Dave.

And, of course, the larger part of Martin's disappointment had to do with the torch he'd been carrying around for Dave without even realising it. As an angel, he felt every emotion ten times more keenly than the average human, and he was aware that it was highly possible he was already in love with Dave. 

Still, the thought was too painful to acknowledge. Dave wasn't his, could never be his. Martin had to let go, and he had to do his job. Then he could get back to his own world and start the process of healing and forgetting. If he could do it with Suzanne, then he could do it with Dave. He had to.

The opportunity came when Alan was alone in the studio one morning, for Flood had gone to send his kids to the dentist, and Dave was at Knox's cafe. It was getting rarer and rarer for Martin to be alone with Alan anymore, mainly because their group was getting very tight. But it also didn't help that Dave and Alan were practically joined at the hip. It wasn't just about the album art anymore; they had really struck up an unusually close friendship which Martin wished he wasn't jealous of.

Martin brought in some tea from the pantry, which Alan accepted gratefully with a yawn. "Don't tell Flood, he'll kill me if he knows I'm listening to the master tracks again," he said with a sigh. "I can't help it, I have to go through everything with a fine-toothed comb."

"I know." Martin sipped from his own cup. Another thing he loved about Earth was the variety of lovely hot beverages, as well as the equally enticing alcoholic options. "It just has to sound right. Don't worry, I get what you mean."

Alan flashed him a small but genuine smile. "I'm glad you get it, Mart. You've been integral to the whole process. I can't tell you how grateful I am."

"Oh, it's your album after all, you did the lion's share of the work. And so did Flood. I just helped a bit." Martin smiled modestly over his cup.

Alan put down his own mug, his smile widening. "You helped more than you realise. And of course, you introduced Dave and Knox to me. They're a couple of great blokes."

Despite the pang in Martin's chest, he was watching Alan closely for any clues. "You and Dave seem to have really hit it off," he remarked casually.

Alan's face brightened. "Oh, yeah, I really like him. We were talking about how we must have been mates in another life." He was shaking his head with a fond smile. "He's just really great to be around. Really creative, wickedly funny."

Martin was racking his brains for a really subtle way to drop a hint to Alan, without getting his defences up. "He seems really fond of you too." That sounded neutral enough. He decided to press on, encouraged by Alan's nods. "Although Dave seems friendly with everyone, it's hard for him to really open up the way he's done with you, and in such a short time, too."

"I suppose." Alan was staring off into the distance, lost in his thoughts. "He's a great friend. A really, really great mate."

"I see." Martin was drumming his fingers on the table. "Y'know, great friends are really hard to come by. Believe me, I've lived a long time. They're rarer than precious gemstones."

Alan looked a little puzzled here. "Really? You seem so young."

Martin only smiled at him. "Enough about me. Anyway, if Dave is important to you, be sure to tell him that. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

Nodding, Alan sat back with a thoughtful gaze, lost in his own ponderings. Martin hoped he'd given Alan as best a push he could.

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