🕰⏳Chapter 10⏳🕰

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At night, when the two brothers went to bed, I decided that I should explore the city, spoilers: It was a bad idea and I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep from now on...

As I jumped from roof to roof, I could see houses being set on fire, people getting beaten in the dark alleys, women getting mugged, vigilantes, the heroes from the future were just like me jumping from roof to roof but stopping at the crime scenes to help the innocents, but the police wasn't helping since they wouldn't apprehend quirkless people because it was in the legit act of  "self defence" they would tell that the quirked are just liabilities to the place, that they pick up fights that they can't finish and that if someone should be punished, it should be them.

Oh sweet sense of déjà-vu, why does Aldera come to my mind? Stupid principal, I have the power to end him without anyone knowing, I could just go to his childhood and- WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING?!

When I decided that it was too much for one night, I saw Hisashi walking alone through the streets and of course, I had to follow the teen, the boy started climbing to the roof tops and I now have one more reason to silently thank my online parkour teacher

"My dear friends, today I've received a message that made me think about our reality, a person from the future itself came talk to me and my questions were finally answered, it doesn't matter if you have a quirk or if you are quirkless, the person that has the control can always change the world in favor of their selfish requests, what did I decide with this new information in hands? Is quite simple actually, we will have to take over this world as fast as we can and make it good for people like us, the ones that are always misunderstood, am I clear?"A loud wave of "Hai"could be heard.

The first stage of my plan shaw start tomorrow after I talk to a person that I want by my side, we will all meet here like always, if you are not in time, you already know the severe consequences, now if you excuse me" With that, everyone left the meeting and I decided to follow Hisashi again, once again, I regretted the idea because in that same night, Hisashi Shigaraki killed hundreds of quirked people after stealing the power from them.

The reminder that I was born from him, that I share the same blood with him made my skin craw, I felt disgusted...


Hisashi went home right after the massacre, he creeped into his shared room and woke up his younger brother with a terrifying grin.

Yoichi looked at him apparently lost, the boy was tired and confused by the currrent situation.

"Nii-san? Why are you awake...?" he asked groggily with his eyes almost betraying him as he slowly fell asleep, but before he could, his brother put a hand in his head and... gave him a quirk...

"Hisashi! WHAT THE HELL?!" Yoichi asked now completely awake and clearly mad

"Yoichi, my dear brother, now you can join me, we can make the world fair! come with me and the world will be in your hands" He said with an even more creepy smile

"Hisashi, what are you talking about? Are you nuts? World domination?  We can't kill the quirkless, this is not how things should go, if you explain what you are, maybe they'll start listening, maybe we'll find peace" Hisashi's face darkened

"Didn't you learn anything from Mikumo, society doesn't change Yoichi! There is no peace, there is always the strong and the weak, come with me and we will be in the good side!""

"We can't have war!"

"I'm sorry Yoichi, but if you aren't by my side, I'll have to eliminate you."

Hisashi was about to kill his brother, my uncle, I couldn't allow this, heis the only one that can stop him, so I grabbed a heavy rock that I always kept for emergencies in my backpack and threw it as hard as I could right in his head knocking him out, I grabbed a paper and wrote with my shaky hands.

'Dear uncle Yoichi, my father can't win this battle, prepare yourslef while you have time, train to protect this people and if you know that is a losing game chose a successor to continue with your job, before I go back to my timeline, I want you to keep this necklace, he can open and close, what I want you to keep in there is this letter, one day in the future, I'll find it and take it back, this is when you'll discover that you had sucess in this mission, hide as far as you can until you are ready, good luck...

(Mikumo) Izuku Shigaraki-Midorya'

He read the letter and his eyes went wide, he took the necklace and got some clothes, stuffing them in a bag, he took one last look to his room and gave me a small wave even if he couldn't see me, with that, he jumped out of the window and ran, slowly activating his new quirk as he hid in the shadows of the night.

Now, I had to deal with Hisashi, the young adult wasn't heavy so I decided to lock him in the basement, a place full of chains and the metallic smell of blood.

"Oh well, he deserve it, HAHAHAHA!"


Thank you for reading! And woah we are at 185 views!

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