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It was almost a year later when Izuku Midorya took his first steps in building his own company.

Izuku's POV-

The entrance exam was a success, everyone loved the voice modulator that I've brought that day and in my portfolio, Nedzu, yes the principal of the school, made sure to say that he recommended me, not to mention that I aced the test! 

'I really can believe it, this is amazing!' 

I was walking through the hallways when a girl appeared

"Hey You!"

A girl with pink hair and beautiful yellowish eyes 'Wait Mei?'

"You got first and I believe that we should make our company together! My company could have a CO worker, the Hatsume's support company and CO shaw rise right first place?"


"We are going to be at the top! Now let me take a picture to remember this special moment using my new baby!" 

A flash

"It works!"

"Well first place I'm Mei Hatsume call me Mei-chan or Meimei"

"My name is I-izuku Midorya, it will be a pleasure to work with you Mei-chan!"

her eyes brightened and she smiled

"I knew we would be best friends, now come on, we have babies to make and the bell is almost going off!" 

'If this is the future, than I'm more than happy to embrace it...'

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