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Odeya's POV:

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Odeya's POV:

"Fuck me, you like this?" Nate grunted.

"Mmhm." Odeya mumbled, pretending to be interested.

Nate came over her shared flat about half an hour ago, this seemed to be an occurring thing, him coming over, trying to play it smoothly but ended up with her getting embarrassed for him and just ripping each others clothes off.

Which now led her to be facing her bedroom wall, her hands slipping off and loosing grip every now and then from the snapping of his hips against her arse.

She didn't mind these 'meet up sessions' at the start, but now it was starting to get boring. He somehow got more shit as time went on. She remembers when he used to be able to make her cum more than once, but now she was lucky if he could even put it in the right hole without struggling.

Odeya wouldn't call this a relationship though, more like a fuck buddy, but even if Odeya was feeling horny, she certainly wouldn't rely on Nate to satisfy her urges.

But she didn't hate Nate, apart from his poor sex skills he was alright, she knew he had the worst temper, so if he ever found out from someone else that she was a stripper, he'd probably burn the whole building down.

She never knew why he was so strict when it came to her, she told him multiple times that them two weren't an item, yet it never got through his thick skull that she wasn't his.

She didn't even realise he stopped until he pulled out and she felt sore in her core. She was still facing the wall, she moved her head to the side to see him staring at her intensely.

"You should go." She broke the silence, watching him sigh heavily in annoyance.

"Why? How many times do I have to tell you I want to be with you, I know you feel the same," he replied, watching her turn around to face him, as she leaned on the wall. "Why can't we just be together."

"Because we don't work Nate." She replied, stressed that he never got the memo.

"Then why am I here? There's something else Dey." He stated, taking a slight step forward towards her.

That nickname. She only liked it when it came out of people that she liked mouths. Not him. It made her want to lash out on him just for him calling her Dey.

She had to tell him, not that it was any of his business, but she was drained of making excuses for it. After all, if he didn't agree with it, she'd simply cut him off, she gives no fucks.

"Because I'm a stripper." She admitted, smirking when she watched his face fall into a bawl of different emotions.

"Your a what?"

"You heard me," she paused walking towards him looking him up and down slowly, "Nate." She dragged out his name, being amused at how his body tensed up and made a face of disgust.

"So you've been sleeping with me while dancing on a bunch of men old enough to be your dad? You've got more self-respect than that Dey." He choked out.

She laughed, getting amused at his attempt to get a reaction of sadness out of her.

"You see," she stood on her tip toes, perching her head right next to his jawline, her lips inline with his ear, "I find more satisfaction in being a whore in front of older men than spending nights with you."

That was all it took for him to whack her bedroom door open, walking through the living room to get to the front door, making sure to slam it on his way out.

"About fucking time." Dean called from the kitchen, pleased at his best friend.

Odeya walked from her bedroom to the kitchen, only to find Dean cutting up vegetables with a cloth over his shoulder, trying to look 'professional'.

"You know," here he fucking goes, "I was really surprised when I found him in your bedroom all those months ago.

Ah yes, the classic first impression.


"What in the fuck is going on in here-" he started, shocked to find a man on-top of Odeya.

"Oh thank fuck it's you, I was starting to think you were trying to knock this house down, but if you wanna keep this roof up, tone it down a bit yeah? I don't wanna have to explain to the neighbours that my best friend is getting fucked by her," he motioned towards Nate, "Toy boy, your at it like rabbits."

She didn't even get a chance to respond before he was already out the door.


"You didn't need to embarrass me like that." I commented, sighing at the memory.

"Yes I did, now help me cut these onions." He communicated, moving to the side and gesturing his hands in a 'come on' motion.

"Why are you cooking anyway?" I asked, genuinely concerned why the fuck he had gone full out.

"Because Cho's coming over." He didn't look up from chopping board.

"Don't tell me you fancy her? Your gay as fuck." Deya announced, stating the obvious. People always thought they were rude for that, but Dean and Odeya have been best friends since the middle of year 8, it's became normal to say what ever is on their minds.

"Me? Straight? Darling, I'm as straight as a roundabout." He finished, bending his hand forward in a 'gay motion'.

Suddenly the door burst open, entering a very exited Cho with a big bag in her hand.

"I brought sushi!" she yelled, walking towards the kitchen counter o lay it out.

Dean stretched his hands out and swung them back down, creating a slap as his hands collided with the side of his thighs.

"For fuck sake Cho!" He yelled. Probably loud enough for the neighbours to come and complain about the noise, once again.

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