Apocalypse With You Part 1 (Male Reader Original)

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I was only a teen back when it started.

When I was 17, the world almost ended.

The night before it all went down, I was with my family.

"(Y/N) come on down it's dinner time!" My Mom yells up the stairs.

I look at my video game and then at my door.

"It'll only take me another 2 minutes," I say before I continue the mission I was on. Those 2 minutes turned into 20.

"(Y/N)!" My Dad now yells up the stairs

"What do you want!" I yell back as my voice echoes in my room a little.

"Come down to eat!" He says

"I'll be down in a minute," I say

"You said that 20 minutes ago! It's getting cold!" He says as his voice becomes a little more kinder.

I was adopted, my parents died about 4 years ago and I was taken in by the Becket family. They already had a daughter a year younger than I was, but they wanted another kid and mom almost died giving birth the first time...they didn't want to risk it again.

They treated me well, even though I was an average rebellious teenager.

I cleared the mission and headed downstairs.

Sure enough, my food was cold.

I still ate it regardless, my sister, Kaila, already finished and was in her room.

"Make sure you get your research project done," Dad reminds me.

"Already done," I mutter with a mouth full of food.

"Good stuff," he says turning to his wife

"When was Kaila's track day again?" He asks as Mom thinks

"I think it's on the 7th," she mutters

"March 7th, got it," he mutters looking at his calendar.

He and Mom were often very busy. They still had lots of time to spend with me and Kaila, but when they weren't with us, they were working.

"I'll book that day off tomorrow," he says as Mom nods

"Kaila would be so happy if you could watch her, I hear she can jump quite high," she says smiling.

I finish my dinner and head to my room.

"Me and Mom will be gone early morning tomorrow, Kaila is still feeling sick so she's gonna stay home again tomorrow, so go to school without her," Dad says as I nod

"Goodnight," I say as they wave me off to my room.

I played my games until midnight, then I went to sleep and woke up at 8 am to my alarm.

School starts in 40 minutes. I got dressed and did other random things.

I yelled goodbye as I left. I noticed their car still in the driveway but I figured they musta took a cab for some reason.

The streets were very silent on my way to school. I didn't even see a single car drive by.

"Quiet day," I mutter as I approach the school.

There were maybe one or two cars in the parking lot.

"Is there no school today?" I ask myself in doubt as I look around.

It's a Wednesday...I should have a test today, so there is definitely school today.

I reached for my phone in my pocket, I hadn't check it all morning since I forgot to plug it in last night. I left it on the charger between the time I woke up and the time I left,

Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now