The School's Whore

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Trigger Warning: May Mention Sexual Assault, Self Harm, and Strong Language


I regret telling Luke. He didn't believe me, which hurt. I don't even know what to do. I can't get his look of disbelief out of my mind. Going to the Hemmings' for dinner was the worst idea ever. I really wish I hadn't gone.

"Can we watch a movie ? I'm bored." Calum whines, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I mean if you're willing to put up with my picky movie choices then I suppose we can." I look over at him with and amused look.

"Oh yea I forgot that we're dealing with the Drew Barrymore of movie picking." Calum sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Why don't we just go out ?" Michael suggests. Calum looks as him with a 'are you serious' face and slaps him in the back of the head. "Hey ! What was that for ?" Michael asks rubbing the back of his head.

He looks at Michael expectingly. And it dawns on him. "Oh I'm sorry, Ronan. I-" he says with wide eyes.

I look between the two dorks in front of me. "It's okay, we can go out. Where do you guys wanna go ?" I said with a small smile. I have to get out eventually. I can't just make them stay in with me every weekend. It's selfish.

"Really ? You wanna go out ?" Calum asks almost as if saying, 'we don't have to.' I nod. "What could it hurt ?" "Uh okay, we can go to a party." Michael says looking hopeful.

I grimace at the suggestion of a party but I agree anyway because I have to get over my fears at some point. Right ?

The boys are playing video games while waiting for me to get ready.

I pulled out a pair of distressed loose jeans, and a yellow Rolling Stones shirt that used to belong to Luke. I pull on my converse and put my hair in a ponytail.

I did my makeup how I usually do it. I brushed my teeth and I was ready to go.

I let the boys know and grabbed my phone before walking with them down the stairs.

. . .

We pulled up to the house where the party was being held. Before getting out, Michael turns to me with eyes of concern.

"Are you sure you wanna do this ? Cause we can go do something else." I look at Calum who's listening. "Yea we won't have to do this unless you want to." Calum adds.

I sigh. I fidget with my fingers and look up to my two goofball friends before coming to the conclusion that I'll do it. "No, I want to."

I really don't, but I can't let them miss out on their fun because of me.

They look at me excitedly. "We'll stay with you the whole night." Calum assured. I smiled.

My anxiety goes up as we enter the house. I can't do this. But I have to, I already told them I could do this. Why did I agree to this.

We walk in, my arm gripped around Calum's, and instantly go towards the dining room to find their other friend, Ashton. We enter the dining room to see few guys are gathered, playing beer pong.

"Calum, Mikey, Hey !" A curly haired fella greets. This must be Ashton. "Ashton, hey man !" My thoughts are answered as Mikey and Calum greet the man.

"And who's this" he gestures towards me, Calum speaks up, smiling. "This is our best friend, Ronan." "Nice to meet you, Ronan, I'm Ashton." He smiles holding a hand out for me to shake.

"You too." I smile back, as I shake his hand.

Ashton and Mikey then get caught up in a conversation. "How come I haven't seen him around before ?" I ask Calum. He turns to me, letting me know he's listening. "He doesn't go to our school." He replies smiling.

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