Sending LOVE to Everyone

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hey everyone I wanted to update you. Im doing better these past few months have been hard with everyone know I lost my grandmother. My job at the time was draining me and was stressing me out and some much was going on. I want to thank everyone for encouraging me and sending me messages and love. I read everything If I am able I try to write back asap but If I couldn't on some of your messages I still read them and cherished everything. Thank you for always being here for me. Prayers are being answered I got a new job and Im praying I have more time and things get so much better. MY mamas retrieving in September so everything is coming on to me when she does so its little stressed but everything is going to be okay Im praying about it. I'll be posting soon. I loves yall so much thank you for being an inspiration for me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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