Chapter 1

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A/N: I don't own fairy tail or any of the characters. As you guys know this is a rewrite and edit of my fairy tail fanfiction I posted on wattpad. I hope you all enjoy this book as much as everyone seemed to like my first one.

It was a normal day in the fairy tail guild with everyone being noisy and drinking a lot. The only thing that was different was the blonde celestial mage sitting at the bar drinking a strawberry milkshake while looking sadly at the bar.
"Hey Lucy let's see if the others want to go on a job, maybe then they will remember" smiled Wendy. The truth was that today was Lucy's birthday but no one in the guild other then Wendy had said anything about it.
"Ok" smiled Lucy as they went over to team Natsu which consisted of Natsu, Erza, Gray and for some reason Lisanna was there as well
"Hey Natsu did you want to go on a mission?" asked Wendy.
"No can't you see we're busy and didn't I tell you already?" asked Natsu with a scowl.
"Tell us what?" said Lucy confused.
"Natsu don't, not today" tried Gray with a glare. This made Lucy smile slightly since Gray just hinted that he knew it was Lucy's birthday, perhaps they were planning a surprise party.
"Shut it ice pick we are kicking you off team Natsu and replacing you with Lisanna" smirked Natsu.
"W-what? Why?" asked Lucy.
"Isn't it obvious it's because I am a lot stronger and I actually fight, I don't just heal or hide behind spirits so they won't have to protect me all the time" smiled Lisanna.
"I can't believe this, why would you say something like that?" Wendy asked looking at the ground, tears gathering in her eyes. "Come on, it's obvious that they don't want us here" said Lucy but before they could move Natsu and Lisanna were in front of them. Before anyone could react Lisanna started to attack both girls and soon Natsu joined in. Lucy and Wendy didn't fight back just trying to protect themselves since they didn't want to hurt people that they still saw as family. Once Gray reacted he tried to fight his way to Wendy and Lucy's side but Erza held him back. Soon enough Wendy was knocked out and Lucy was only just holding onto consciousness. The rest of the guild were all cheering Lisanna and Natsu on except Romeo, Gray, Gajeel, Juvia, Freed, Bixlow, Evergreen, Happy, Patherlilly and Carla. The mentioned names were all fighting to get to their friends to help them but we're getting held back by the sheer number of guild members. Every time they got rid of one guild member another appeared in there place. All the noise soon got the attention of Laxus and Makarov who had been in Makarov's office sorting out paper work.
"Lucy, Wendy are you okay? What happened? Who did this" asked Laxus as he helped Lucy up while checking on Wendy, being careful since lightning was jumping off him.
"No we aren't okay and we would like to leave the guild" said Lucy as Carla flew over crying along with happy and Patherlilly.
"Why child?" said Makarov.
"You've seen what Natsu and Lisanna did to us. We can't stay here since we can't trust them so we are going to go and train so that this never happens again" said Lucy as she picked up Wendy holding her careful since they were injuried and Lucy was close to passing our herself.
"I understand child but will you come back?" asked Makarov.
"Maybe I don't know " Lucy answered as their fairy tail symbols disappeared.
"Where are you going weakling?" Natsu taunted.
"Away from here Dragneel after all we are no longer part of fairy tail but I will be back Dragneel and then you will be the one that is weak and beaten" said Lucy as she walked out of the door making Wendy's and her own true friends start to cry.
"I HATE YOU NATSU" screamed Romeo shocking everyone as he used his fire magic to target them. Instantly Natsu and Lisanna were struck by lightning. "If my little sisters don't come but Natsu I will kill you myself" said Laxus as the lightning crackled around him. Once Laxus was welcomed back into the guild Wendy and Lucy were the only two that didn't treat him any different, to them he was a precious family member therefore he took them under his wings as his adopted sisters. All of Lucy, Wendy and Carla's real friends could only hope that the girls would be okay.

Lucy and Wendy's tears (Rewritten & Edited)Where stories live. Discover now