Chapter 17

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"So I guess this is good bye for now" said Lucy as she looked at Sting as they arrived at the train station.
"It's not good bye, just a see you later" said Sting and Lucy nodded tears in her eyes and no one saw nor admitted to seeing tears in Sting's eyes as well.
"Make sure you call me tonight ok?" said Lucy as she hugged Sting tightly and he hugged her back just as tightly.
"You won't come with me will you?" Mumbled Lucy.
"Not yet, I still have some things to do but I promise one day I will be with you in Fairytail" grinned Sting as Lucy got on the train waving as did Wendy and Romeo. Lucy kept waving nearly jumping out the window to see him one last time.

"You really love each other don't you?" Asked Erza as she saw Sting throw light into the air an it spelt out 'I love you Lulu I will miss you'.
"Yea I really do love him. I mean I can't just say I don't because I love him with all my heart. When I arrived at the guild I was broken beyond compare my heart shattered because of Natsu but Sting he took the time to get to know me hell he was bugging me 24/7 to join his team so we grew close then there was that stupid day he asked me on a date, I was scared and afraid I didn't want to get hurt but when I looked at him in the eyes I saw the same things in his eyes and you know the rest" said Lucy and they nodded.
"I just have one thing to say" said Erza and Lucy nodded waiting.
"When you get married I want to be a bridesmaid" said Erza and Lucy smiled.
"We'll see" smiled Lucy and Erza teared up before hugging Lucy tightly.
"Thank you for another chance after everything happened" said Erza.

"Wendy I um I have a err question" said Romeo fiddling with his jacket a while into the trip.
"What is it?" Asked Wendy and Romeo looked at Lucy and Erza who nodded there head in approval.
"I have liked you for a long time and um I was wonder would you like to go on a d-d-date with me" said Romeo blushing bright red to put Erza's hair to shame and Wendy wasn't much different.
"I would love to Romeo-kun" grinned Wendy and Romeo smiled.

Time skip till when they are off the train

"We will go and introduce ourselves first and then you two can go on your date but Romeo no touching her in personal regions all clothes must stay on kissing and hugging is allowed and she is to be home before eleven o'clock on the dot if not you will wake up the next morning and be female ok" smiled Lucy and Romeo nodded fast slightly afraid.
"Ok I will talk to master take your time" said Erza as she went to the guild first and the Lucy sighed.
"I wonder when Pandu and Carla will finish there training?" Asked Lucy. Pandu and Carla had left training when had first arrived to Sabertooth.
"Lulu" yelled a voice and Lucy turned to see Pandu and Carla there and she smiled.
"I never knew I was psychic" said Lucy as she hugged Pandu.
"Let's go to the guild, Sting explained" smiled Pandu and they nodded.
"Oh and Romeo I approve of yours and Wendy's relationship but if you break her heart, I break your bones you must treat her like a precious lady" said Carla looking at the boy who pales but nodded understanding.
"Minna were back" yelled Lucy as she kicked Fairy Tails doors in and walked in Wendy and Romeo following.
"Lucy, Wendy" said Laxus as he picked them both up in a hug.
"Nii-San" smiled Wendy while Lucy only gave a slight smile and they understood she wasn't ready to open up to them yet.
"Lucy, Wendy your back" yelled Malarov.
"Yes we are here to join gramps" said Lucy.
"What about Sting?" said Natsu scowling.
"We are still Dating if that's what you mean" said Lucy coldly.
"Well then why should we" started Lisanna only to have a sword at her neck.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Lisanna Strauss! We put Lucy and Wendy through hell. Wendy had Romeo to fix the hole in her chest but Lucy had no one until Sting decide to be there for her, he pieced her heart back together piece by piece because we shattered it. She is giving us another chance, I have seen myself how they act towards each other so don't you dare finish that" snarled Erza and they were all shocked Erza would react like that.

"You mess with Lucy or Wendy and I will finish you" yelled a voice and Lucy and Wendy gasped before smiling and running towards the person.
"Papa" yelled Wendy as they hugged him to death.
"What are you doing here?" Asked Lucy tapping her foot.
"Don't look at me like that I wanted to see my baby daughters and dashing son, I heard about your mother then she told me that you had raced back here without even visiting" whined Zeref pouting.
"How are you Pops?" Asked Laxus happy to see his father but then the doors burst open and Rouge staggered in bloody and beat.

"Rouge what happened?" yelled Lucy as they raced to him.
"Lu....forget me let Wendy worry about me it's Sting" coughed Rouge and Lucy froze as Rouge passed out.
"I have to go" said Lucy but was stopped by Natsu.
"You can't just run off like that" yelled Natsu.
"Shut up Dragneel my boyfriend the one I love more the life itself is in trouble unlike you I care about my Nakama" yelled Lucy as she slapped Natsu before running off.

Lucy and Wendy's tears (Rewritten & Edited)Where stories live. Discover now