Chapter 12

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"Sting I think I'd like that" said Lucy smiling, a true smile for once.
"What the hell Sting! I have dibs she is mine" yelled Natsu.
"Excuse me Salamander I am not a toy to call dibs on! Not only that you just got married remember. Sting as I was saying before I was interrupted I would love to go on a date with you" said Lucy, her emotion disappearing. This made Sting cheered happily while Wendy, the rest of Sabertooth, Romeo and their friends from the rest of the guilds cheered for them.

"Romeo come over here please?" Maco asked with Makarov once the celebrations had subsided. Romeo smiled warmly at Wendy squeezing her hand before he walk over to the two who had tears in their eyes.
"Romeo, me and Master Makarov have been talking about my condition. This is hard to say but it's not getting better. I have around a week left to live" said Maco and Romeo started to tear up.
"Dad" said Romeo as tears streaming down his face.
"After my week is up promise me something Romeo?" Marco asked knowing that this was going to crush his son.
"Anything at all" said Romeo hugging Maco tight.
"Go join Sabertooth, be with Wendy. I see the way you look at her it's the way I looked at your mother. You make me so proud so please live on happily" said Maco and Romeo nodded tearfully.
"Go on now" smirks Maco and Romeo nodded going to Wendy.
"Why did lie and say you have a week?" Asked Makarov sadly.
"I couldn't tell my son that when he wakes in the morning, I will be dead" said Maco tearing up.
"Go on then, you should rest" said Makarov and Maco nodded and went to his room.
"He isn't going to last the night is he?" asked Romeo as he watched his father go.
"No, he isn't" said Makarov and Romeo let more tears slip down his face.

"A whiskey please" said Romeo and the bar tender nodded and got it for him. As he got the drink he downed it and then another and another and another until he was drunk leaning on the bar table and crying his eyes out.
"Romeo what's wrong?" asked Lucy worried as she walked in. Wendy had been worried so Lucy had come to see what was going on. He looked at her confused until he recognised who Lucy was.
"Dad's gone" said Romeo depressed.
"His illness? I knew it was bad but not this bad" sighed Lucy and Romeo nodded. Lucy patted his head before leaving him to drown his sorrows. She then turned and walked up to Maco's room and smiled after seeing him still alive.
"Ah Lucy it's good to see you. I was hoping to see you before I passed on. I need to apologise, I should have stopped what happened to you and Wendy but I didn't and I'm sorry" Maco said but Lucy shook her head.
"You don't have to apologise I know you always let Wendy stay with you when the girls kicked her out of the dorm. You also made sure that we were eating and drinking right and got enough missions to survive" Lucy said.
"I thought that you didn't know about that" Maco said.
"Like Master Makarov could keep that from us. I've come to repay you for your kindness, come here" Lucy said and the elder man nodded walking over to her.
"This will hurt" Lucy warned and Maco nodded thinking she was going to hit him just to take a little revenge even if she had said it was kindness. Lucy started to chant something and he turned into red dust.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop the illness but I did the next best thing" sighed lucy.
"Open gate of the fire Mage, Maco" said Lucy and Maco appeared.
"What happened?" Asked Maco because he thought he had died.
"I couldn't stop the illness, I'm sorry but I did help you stay alive" said Lucy.
"What do you mean?" asked Maco confused.
"I turned you into a celestial spirit" Lucy explained and Maco gapped.
"I am going to train Romeo to be able to open a gate, your gate. That way you can always be with him, you can watch him grow up, get married and even meet your grandkids one day" said Lucy and Maco hugged her.
"Thank you, thank you so much, thank you. Even after what I did you helped me thank you" cried Maco making Lucy tear up for the first time since she left Fairy tail.
"You never hurt me Maco. Like I said before you were one of the ones that helped me and Wendy. You are family welcome to stay and explain to Makarov and Romeo. I have to go, I have a date" smiled Lucy as she waved and left.

"Hey Sting, sorry I'm late" smiled Lucy as she ran up to him and he smiled.
"Shall we my princess?" Sting smiled holding his arm out.
"Let me think of course my prince" said Lucy smiling as they walked into the restaurant only to see Erza, Gray, Lisanna and Natsu there. They were going to turn around but before they could fairy tail spotted them.
"Lucy you should come back to the guild, you are stronger now so we can be a team again" smiled Erza.
"You chose Lisanna, I chose to leave and go to Sabertooth right now I am in my date so we aren't going to let you ruin it, let's go" said Lucy but before she could move Lisanna slapped Lucy her nails cutting Lucy's cheek. After that it turned into a full out war until Sting and Rouge who was passing by managed to get Lucy out of there before she killed someone.

"Sorry Sting this isn't really a first date is it" chuckled Lucy as Sting treated her cheek, Rogue had stayed with them till they got back to the inn before he went to his room for the night.
"It's fine we will wait and go on another one tomorrow after the games" smiled Sting and Lucy nodded before they gently kissed. Once they pulled back they left going there own ways, Sting to his and Rogue's room and Lucy to hers and Wendy's room.

Lucy and Wendy's tears (Rewritten & Edited)Where stories live. Discover now