[Chapter 1]

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[Henry POV.]

When you're a cat you have more agility and can be much easier passing people on the streets without someone screaming "EW! A BAT" I know it wasn't normal to be a vampire and turn into a cat instead of a bat. But then again it seems to prove itself a lot safer. That and you blend in a lot more as a cat than a bat. But that doesn't mean I wasn't made fun of back at home. It's kinda why I ran away. After all, I'm in my late 20s. And that is like being a 2 years old in the vampire world. Vampires can live for hundreds to thousands of years and to most vampires they still be counted as teenagers or young adults. Why me- i'm considered an infant sense I'm not at least a hundred years yet. Which is pretty stupid but I don't really have a right to say.

Vampires don't really age slow like some people may think. We grow at the same rate as humans for the most part. Maybe just a tab bit slower than humans. We just stop physically ageing and growing at the age of 20, maybe 30. Some vampires though stop physically aging at 50.

But mentally and emotionally we are a lot slower at ageing. After all, most vampires my age act like human 3 year olds. Maybe 5 year olds at best. But me- I'm one of those lucky people who mentally and emotionally aged faster. Therefore I act like an average, nerdy, human teenage boy at best.

But you probably don't care about all this huh? You want to know more about blood sucking right? Well good news: I do drink blood. Bad news is that I don't drink blood from people. I drink blood out of those blood bags in hospitals. Because I'm kind of a big baby when it comes to drinking blood out of a living, breathing, creature.

Tonight was a pretty average night for the most part. Wandering around as a cat and blending into the shadows. When humans saw me, if they did, they would look away and move on with their day. Or night. But not this Human. Charles Calvin. The first human to ever interact with me.

"Here kitty kitty. It's ok. I won't hurt you." He spoke softly and calmly. Leaving his hand out. It dangled limply as the top of his hand faced me. The man wore a red headset, green jacket with a fluffy hood, a black shirt with a helicopter on it under his jacket, dark blue jeans, and a black pair of men's dress shoes. What an odd combination of clothing. Humans are so strange. Though his eyes wear a bright amber. Like werewolves eyes. And his Ginger-brown hair acted like fire as the wind gently blew on it.

This human aura. It was strong. Powerful. And yet somehow gentle. Slowly I approached him. In this form he was a lot bigger than me. So I needed to be careful. Humans are unpredictable and dangerous creatures that- and he just picked me up. Grate. Now he is walking- wait where the hell is he taking me!?

"MEOW! MROW! MRAAAAAOOOOOW!" Wear the only noises coming out of my mouth. Just to let you know. I was screaming "Let me go!" But as a cat. They couldn't really understand me. In a panic I started to claw and bite trying anything and everything to get him to let go of me. But he didn't budge. Why wasn't he budging?! Just let me go damn it!

Finally I heard a door opening and I was finally put down. But now I was stuck in a house. The human's house I assume. And the door was closed. DAMN IT!

Like any stray cat being put into a house would do- I started screaming at the top of my lungs why clawing at this guy's front door why he was off doing who-knows-what. After a few minutes I gave up on the door and started to wander around the house. Maybe there is an open window somewhere.

Bingo. I jumped up on the kitchen counter and walked over to the open window over the sink. But just as I was about to jump out I was grabbed and I was being held once more. And the Human closed the window.

"Sorry kitty. You can't leave just yet." He told me.

I didn't feel like fighting this guy this time. I didn't like the fact he was holding me but even if I tried to bite, scratch, and scream to get this guy to let go I knew he wouldn't.

And then he set me down on the most comfortable thing ever. I don't know if it was a blanket or a pillow or even both, all I know is that it was soft. With no hesitation I stretched out and laid down. A soft chuckle came from the human.

And soon he started to give me head scratches. Not going to lie, this was kinda nice. Didn't like the fact I was in a stranger's house though.

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