[Chapter 4]

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((A/N: Lore anyone?))

[Henry POV.]

"Henry run! Get out of here!" A stern voice echoed.

"But da-!" My voice echoed.

"Go now!" The stern voice echoed.

"Henry, we have to go. Your parents will be fine! There the K̷̶̷̡̡̧̭̠̳̦̜̜̘̤̇̎̇̿͆̀́̏̈́̒̾̚!̷̶̸̨͙̪͖͕̳̘̙͓̹̖͖̭̖͈͓͛͛̐̔͊͗̇̏̕ͅn̴̶̵̘̩̫͓̮̲͍͈̣̈͗̏̌͋̒̋̒̚͠͠͠ǧ̷̶̶̨̢̨̡̞̦͕̯͆́̃̍̿̋̽͒̊͐̎̓̑̚͝$̴̶̴̨̳͍͚̗͙̠̣͑̀̍́͗̿̉̔̈͐̎̉̕ they got this!" A slightly high pitched male voice echoed.

I couldn't see anything. It was all black. But I could feel what was happening. I could feel the explosion, hear the gun fire, hear the screams. And I felt the tears running down my face.

I sat up in a panic and started crying. "M-mom... D-dad... I'm so sorry" I said in a whimper.

"Henry..?" A sleepy voice spoke. Charles. Right- movie night. Must have fallen asleep on his lap or something. We wanted to watch a movie, since I didn't know any. It been about- 2? 3 days? Sense we first met.

"I'm ok Charles- just... had a bad dream." I told him. Charles wrapped his arms around me from behind. I felt my face grow a bit hot. Odd.

"What was it about?" He asked.

"Nothing of impotence." I replied.

"You sure?" He was so sleepy- and yet he was still trying to help me. It is very kind of him, but he needs his sleep more than I do.

"I'm sure." I told him softly. Taking a deep breath before turning into my cat form. Charles held me in his arms, giving me a few small kisses on the face. I let out a soft meow and Charles chuckled.

"Good kitty." He said softly. He leaned back and laid down so his head was resting on the arm of the coach. I slipped out of his arms and laid down on his chest. He gave me a couple head scratches as he yawned. And slowly we both went back to sleep.


I woke up to not being on Charles' chest or lap. In a panic I turned back to my human form and started yelling his name. "Charles! Charles!"

"In the kitchen!" I heard his voice respond. The relief of hearing his voice. With a smile I ran into the kitchen. The kitchen table had a lunch bag on it as Charles was making some sandwiches. And I could smell blood amongst the human food. I feel my fangs in my mouth start to show. So I kept my mouth shut. Hopefully my eyes weren't red- that would be bad if they are.

"H-hay Charles, what cha making?" I asked, trying not to show my fangs and I spoke. He didn't look up at me- to focus on making sandwiches.

"My lunch for work." He replied.

"Work?" Asked, confused.

"Ya. I'm a pilot so I fly things like planes and helicopters." He told me

"Oh-" I paused for a moment. "I don't know what those are."

"Helicopters and planes are like these big flying things. I'll try and show you one when I get back. But right now-" He said, putting the last bit of what he needed in the lunch bag and putting the rest in the fridge. "I really need to get the work. You're lucky I was still on vacation when I found you. But now that I'm no longer on vacation I have to go to work." He picked up his lunch bag and headed over to the door outside.

"B-but you can't leave me here! Alone!" I stated wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Look Henry, as much as I like to take you with me I can't. It is not allowed. That and it is too dangerous to bring you along. I'm sorry." He said as he tried to make me let go. "Now can you let go please. I'll be back home before nightfall ok?"



Ok. He promised. I let go and he opened the door. "Bye." He said in a sad tone. And then he left. Leaving me alone and hungry. Crap. This is not good. Not good at all.

Taking a deep breath I opened the window in the kitchen, turned into my cat form and jumped outside. And then I remembered I forgot to turn off the lights so I jumped back inside, turned back into my human form and turned off the lights, then turned back into my cat form and jumped back outside.

There- now. Let's find myself some blood. Preferably blood from a blood bag so I don't have to drink blood from a dead or living thing.

I looked around and started to wander. Going from the side or back of the house to the front, to the sidewalk and into town. Charles' house wasn't in a really public or busy part of this town, which was nice. Not too many loud noises to deal with. But the farther away from Charles' house the closer I got to the busy part of town. Meaning more noise and more people. It got later and later and yet no hospital in sight. Maybe I was just too small or something- so I walked into an alleyway and turned back into my human form and started walking around like that.

It did make things easier but yet harder at the same time. Finally- after what seemed to be hours I found a hospital. I think. It looked like what the hospital was described as in the books my parents gave me. Big and white with windows, glass doors, and big red words. Funny how closely it resembled the vet building.

Taking a deep breath and looked around the building. There weren't a lot of entrances that didn't require flying but thankfully I was able to find an entrance wear I could just parkour my way in. I looked around to make sure no one was around and then I turned into my cat form. Time to bullshit my way into this building.

Jumping onto window seals and jumping from one window to another I found my way into the building and I went in. It was completely white. The walls were white, the ceiling was white, the floor was white, even the doors were white. It was- pretty blinding. No wonder my parents refuse to let us have a white kitchen. It would have been too bright.

My ear twitched as I heard some kind of wheels moving. I looked around and spotted a nurse with a cart of bagged blood. Why? No clue. All I know is that I had just hit myself a jackpot. Oh my parents would be so proud!

I followed her carefully as she stopped the cart and grabbed a blood bag and ran into a room giving me the chance to snatch a bag for myself. Looking around I saw cameras- probably best not to turn back into a human just yet. So it was my cat for I grabbed a back off the bottom of the cart and started dragging it into a dark corner of the hospital. I was out of sight of people and cameras. I turn into my human form and open the blood bag and chuggend it. Every single drop was drinken and I could feel the sharp fangs in my mouth doul and hide away. I smiled to myself and put the bag down on the ground and turned back into a cat. I wasn't one to leave trash but I would rather not be caught by cameras. With a quick stretch I jumped out the open window and got back to the ground and turned back into a human and walked away like nothing happened. Surprising how I wasn't caught.

Now just got to remember the way back to Charles' place. A soft yawn left my mouth as I continued to walk. I wonder what time it is. I don't know how long I was walking before I heard Charles' voice.

"Henry? What are you doing out here?" He asked. I quickly tried to figure out where it was coming from before I saw a large metal thing (A/N: He was talking about a car here) and he was poking his head out of it.

"Oh- I was just going for a walk." I replied.

"Do you know your way back?" He asked me. I looked up forward and then behind me before looking back at him and shaking my head no. "Alright- hold on." I heard him mutter. He looked inside the back of the metal thing before a part of it opened up to reveal someone in a dark grey outfit sitting on some fancy chairs. "Hop in Henry." Charles told me. I hesitated for a moment before hopping in and sitting down before the part of the metal thing closed again.

I looked over to the person with the grey outfit on. They wore a hat with the words 'security' on it and a normal dark grey sweater and jeans with black shoes. They had grey, blue eyes and a bandage on their cheek. I waved to them and they waved back.

"Ok, Henry, the person you're sitting by is Dave. Dave that Henry. And then up here sitting by me is Rupert." Charles said. "You got that Henry?"

"Yep!" I replied with a chirp.

"Grate. Glad we got that covered." Charles replied calmly.

The odd Vampire ((Stickvin)) [Discontinued :')]Where stories live. Discover now