Hanging out with Liam

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        "TAYLOR, TAYLOR, hey I'm over here!!" Liam shouted from my left, I didn't quite know where he was but he was there somewhere. 

        I felt a tap on my left shoulder, turning around I saw Liam’s messy brown hair, and I hugged him smiling into his teal shirt, knowing that if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have a place to go. Lost and wandering on the streets, yes, sitting in London hugging the best guy a girl could ask for as a cousin, no, but he was here so I am and that's all that I can think about. His hazel eyes scanned me smirking, and I realized what he was going to say just as it came out of his mouth, "Do you have any baggage of sorts, or spare clothes?" 

        "I left it all at home, emotional and physical baggage, my parents don't want me, I wasn't allowed home, I don't have anything," my voice cracked on the last words, as I realized just how true it really was, my parents don't want me. Like, I have always known that I was an accident, my parents had me on accident, just a little bit too late, when I was a little kid I once heard my parents talking about it but they didn't know that and now they never will. I was enveloped in another big hug, I wasn't about to let the tears fall in the middle of an airport, but I would wait till I was alone, no matter how long that took. 

        "Shh, shh," Liam cooed in my ear, rubbing my back, I knew that he would be the perfect person to help me and make sure that I was all right. He would assure me that it was going to be ok and that was just what I needed right now. Liam would take care of me, making me the luckiest person in the world. 

            “I-I-It’s jus-st a lot-t-t to take-ke in…” I mutter into his chest, my sobs subsiding. Liam just kept quite, knowing that I couldn’t bear it if he told me that it didn’t matter, because he knew that it did matter. My parents, my flesh and blood, the people who created me, don’t want me. It was all too much to take in and I didn’t really want to try to take it in right now. I just tried to keep quite but it wasn’t working and I sobbed into his chest. I was so lost in my own thoughts and problems that I barely heard Liam’s choked up coos. “Wh-why are you c-c-crying-g?” I stuttered tears streaming down my face.

            “That was my aunt and uncle, they are officially disowned now, but they were still my aunt and uncle and now they just did something so horrible to a person that I love. You really do Taylor; I don’t like seeing you hurt. I protect you from guys like you are my little sister, and you practically are, and I obviously care more than they do. But you are my sister slash cousin and I love you and don’t want to see you hurt.” Tears welled up in his eyes by those words and Liam just rocked me back and forth.

            “Thanks, I really just don’t know what to say and admit how I'm feeling right, now I'm just so lost and confused and sad and angry and bitter and just want to forget about my parents because they obviously have no right to call me their daughter. So I just want to say, thank you for letting me stay with you, you have no idea how much this means.” I said still talking into his chest. “Besides thanks to you, I might get a hot guy out of this.”

            “Oh no you wont, you, Taylor, are going to be a good little girl. Those boys are scary especially Louis and Harry. That Larry Stylinson couple well lets just say, bad news.” A smile spread through my face, imagining Liam giving his fatherly glare. I saw lights flash through out the airport in our direction and realized that there was probably fans’ trying to say hi so I looked around and saw quite a crowd.

            Damn, I thought to myself as I saw the number of fans we had attracted in the 2 minutes we had been standing here. They were everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Standing on top of the luggage racks, popping out of the rubbish bins, even wearing shirts saying ‘I love Liam Payne’ or Harry Styles or Niall Horan or Louis Tomlinson or Zayn Malik or ‘Team Larry Stylinson 4 Life!’ and other directionar sayings. Now I am not personally a directioner so I cant say that I would wear these shirts. But ok? This is sort of creepy.

            “You wanna go to the house so we can talk in private without these people?” Liam asked blushing and putting me in more of a brotherly protective grip. I looked around and nodded slightly nervous and feeling a heat creep up through my cheeks and into my neck and face. “Then lets bounce!” he said with fake enthusiasm.

            Chuckling, we strolled out of the airport and looked around, I didn’t want fans to be here but I guess its my lucky day, they were everywhere! Does the universe hate me? I thought bitterly to myself. Or at least I thought I thought it to myself.

            “What was that?” Liam’s voice interjected my thoughts, “Why would the universe hate you? What did you do this time?”

            Laughing, I pointed to the fans “I didn’t expect them to be here.” I replied “and you don’t need to know what I did this time that’s for me to know and you to find out.” I gave him my best evil face and apparently I didn’t look very evil.

            In mock fright, Liam went “ahhhh” dragging it on forever until we reached the car, or he towed me to the car while I just followed slowly. Chuckling I climbed in. “wait, do you want to go shopping now, or tomorrow and you just sleep in a pair of my sweats?” I contemplated that for a minute before making my decision.

            “Tomorrow, if that’s ok, I have money but I want to meet the boys, besides Zayn, I have already met him and he’s nice.” Looking over at the clock I saw that it was 11:35 P.M. and realized that Liam was smirking at me.

            “Somebodies got a cruuush,” he said in his best gossip voice, “so is he hot or is just drop dead sexy?” raising his eyebrows he looked at me and tried to keep a straight face. Let me get something straight…

1) I don’t like Zayn, like sure he’s a good friend but I don’t like-like him just a friend

2) I wondered how long Liam could keep this up he isn’t good at keeping serious

We both burst out laughing, “I don’t like any of the boys, I don’t like-like Zayn,

and it would be weird to like-like any others cause I don’t really know them. Like I think there is a  difference between fangirling and a crush.” Liam looked down at me still smirking. “ohhhh shut uuuppp! I don’t like Zayn! Get it thru your head!” I said through gales of laughter.

            Still smirking, he made a turn to who knows where. As I gave him a questioning glance, he realized that this was a different house from where everyone else in his family and I didn’t know he lived here. “The lads and I live here, a house together, away from everyone’s family, it helps Niall with the homesickness.” He explained. I nodded knowingly.

            With a smirk on his face, a pulled into the driveway, suddenly I was nervous, what if they don’t like me? What if they say I have to go? What happens during tour? Notcining I was doing that little finger twitch, with my right pinky, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into an embrace. “Relax Taylor, its all going to be fine.” I swear, Liam is some sort of mind reader, he has been since we were little. When I was six and he was eight he would read me like a book and that still goes on now.  Chuckling, he dragged me out of the car. Inhaling the last normal breath of air for a while, we walked into the house of One Direction.

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