The Walls Can Only be so Strong

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“I just got off of the phone with my lawyer. You are going to be adopted by me if that’s ok with you….?” He had started out with it strong and then finished it by asking my approval.

            Nodding I shouted, “Omigod! Are you shitting me!” he just shook his head and watched me bounce up and down. Joyfullness rushed through my mind, somebody wanted me and I it was my favorite person in the world, Liam!! I let out an earsplitting scream and Liam just stood there, he was used to it, however the other boys apparently weren’t.

“I heard a scream and there was no noise, no shouting after that, and then yeah, I just kind of came running in… to see that you are both okay and just standing there. Wow, I'm umm I'm gunna go,” Niall popped in making sure we were both okay just to see me jumping up and down in happiness. Wow he looks adorable, not gunna think about that now, but he is, not now Taylor, I was fighting with my conscious. He rubbed the back of his neck as a heat creeped up his neck and onto his cheeks. Hes even cuter when he blushes, I thought to myself. Then realizing that Liam was probably waiting his answer and that he would shit bricks if he realized that I liked his best friend I just ran up and gave him a hug bouncing with giddiness. Liam just kind of paused, he was a little bit taken aback I could tell but he hugged me back.

“So I'm taking that as a yes?” he wisphered in my ear.

            “Of course, you are like a big brother, the one that I never had if its ok with you I would love to.” I replied back in his ear smiling still happy, hugging him tighter if that was even possible.

We pulled apart smiling and looked over to Niall who was sitting there in the doorway with a confused look on his face. I ran over to him and gave him a hug, he reacted like Liam did, just stood there taken aback and hugged me back after a couple of seconds. I dashed out of the room leaving Liam to explain what that was all about and into the living room. Seeing that only Zayn was in the room I sprinted over, hopped a couch (sort of) and embraced him a bone crushing head, chuckling as he responded just like Liam and Niall. Just sitting there like that I ran back out of the room to go find Harry and Louis. Looking up in the room that I got the pajamas from with Louis I found him there texting with a smile on his face.

I crossed the room in one swift bound and engulfed him in a hug. He reacted just like the rest of the boys did and this time I laughed out loud (a/n see what I did there, ok that was bad nevermind just ignore me).  “What’s so funny, ‘cause I can give you a reason to laugh for real?” he smirked threateningly at me and I just smiled.

“You reacted just like the rest of the boys, I'm gunna go see if Hazzah is gunna react the same way you guys just did.” And with that, leaving Louis to wonder, I dashed out of the room and ran full-force into a wall and fell down. Looking up I saw a shirtless Harry Styles who was looking down at me with a dumbstruck look on his face, trying not to ogle at his abs, I just laughed. “A little help down her please...” I trailed off looking with a look of pure embarrassment at the floor. Raising my hand pathetically, I looked up to see a smirking Harry, still shirtless grab my hand and effortlessly tug me up. Engulfing him in a hug I realized something quick, nothing could dampen my mood after Liam told me the great news.

“Please, enlighten me love, why are you so happy?” Harry looked at me and just wondered in amazement. Sparing me from my answer a voice that I knew to be Liam’s called from downstairs.

“Lads, everyone come downstairs or meet me in the TV room, I have big news,” Liam summoned us and I tugged on Harry’s hand dropping it as I sprinted into the living room. Yet again, I ran into a wall, but this time I didn’t fall, something caught me. Looking up I saw Niall, yes Niall Horan holding me supportively with a hand behind the small of my back. He was smiling at me, the butterflies were dancing in my stomach and I could not control them. I grinned back at him starting to stand up as I realized that I was not going to be able ot stay like this for a while without him or someone else getting suspicious.

“What is it with me and running into One Direction today?” I wondered out loud taking a seat on the arm of the sofa since everywhere else was occupied. A tug on my arm made me fall, and I realized I was now sitting on Niall’s lap, I blushed and my stomach was riding a rollercoaster as I stared up into his blue eyes. Feeling a rosy heat erupt in my stomach I looked away to Liam as I didn’t want to make things awkward even though I have already probably failed at that.

“Ok so Taylor is going to move in with us and I just wanted to tell you why if that’s ok with Taylor,” Liam glanced over to me for approval, nodding my head I looked into my lap I really didn’t want to hear the story over again because as happy as I was, I would burst into tears at that story. Not really wanting to hear Liam continue I stood up.

“I think I'm just gunna go wait, its ok if you tell them the story I just wanna think if you don’t mind,” all eyes were on me, I really don’t think anyone understood. So I just walked off, realizing that I didn’t know my way around the house I just walked up the stairs. Not letting the tears fall just yet, I kept my head held high, my brain wasn’t paying attention to where I walked and my tears were clouding my vision. Once I knew I was out of sight from the boys, I just kept walking, that walk turned into a run very quickly as I ran straight into a room that I didn’t recognize and nothing gave it away. Sitting on the slightly unmade bed in the corner of the room I just let the tears fall. Nothing in that room would give it away, the MacBook Pro just sat on a maple desk underneath the window and there were clothes strewn over the floor in an unorganized fashion where there was a door slightly parted. The slightly parted door which led to what looked like a walk-in closet was on the wall that shared the head of the bed.

The carpeted floors were all upstairs and the crème carpeting was lush on my feet and I just let the tears fall. The tears just kept falling and I thanked my lucky stars that I had the sense to take off my makeup so that I didn’t have mascara and eye-liner running down my cheeks smearing my makeup. Sobs were wracking through my body and I just buried my face in my hands. Why me, why did y parents not want me? Sure we fought but I thought I was actually a good daughter, I kept my grades up, did my chores, and stayed out of their way for the most part. I asked for very little considering the amount I actually wanted. My job paid for most of the items that I wanted. But apparently no one wants the duahter that does all that for my parents. I didn’t even sneak out to see boys ever, mainly because I didn’t trust boys. Especially not after what David did to me, that broke my trust of anyone, boys, girls, adults, everyone.

A hand on my back rubbing comforting circles brought me out of my thoughts, shocking me to say the least. With a little jump and a glance to my left I concluded that this was Niall’s room. He flashed me a sad smile, but I could tell the pain in his eyes was enormous. “I heard the story, I’m sorry to hear about what your parents did,” that brought on another fresh round of tears. Moaning, I put my face in my head just absolutely crushed as it reminded me yet again. Not even the butterflies from being with Niall could distract me from my pain, I had tried the tough girl act and it wasn’t working. I had tried everything but through those blankets burying my problems for another day, they were still there. I felt Niall lift me onto his lap and just sat there rubbing circles on my back while I cried into his chest for what must have been hours. Eventually I just let fatigue take over me while I blubbered and cried and must have been a mess into Niall’s shirt. And I let the blackness take over me.

Don’t hate me I let her fall asleep in his arms, I think its sweet and cute and if u want any point of views done for any1 then comment and let me know Joslyn is gunna b a part later on in the story oops I wasn’t supposed 2 say that oh well u don’t know how or when muaahahahahahahahahahahah me evila lalalalla u know I don’t proofread and I don’t rlly like this chapter don’t hate me I know I coulde done better but ive been really busy so idk if I can upload any time soon plz don’t hate me I will try to start another 1 2nite but if I cant just remember I luv u and I think I promised u a rant if u want one I will read thru ur comments and just leave a subject for a rant but make sure 2 say its for a rant and ill try and pull thru

Luv u babies



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