Meeting the Band

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The dark, mahogany floors welcomed me and the October wind rushed in with us as the lights danced around the television. There were three couches a crème couch in the middle with a green loveseat to the right and a blue loveseat on the left. I know this is weird I'm not a directioner, I enjoy their music but that’s it however I can identify faces with names. Louis and Harry got up off of the couch and walked towards me. With giddy little grins on their faces the put their finger up to their mouth as to say sh don’t say a word I'm about to do something evil. Liam opened his mouth but they weren’t about to be stopped by Daddy Direction.  These two were up to something.

“Hey, Booooooobeeearrrrr” Harry shouted dragging the word out and making it sound like he was a damsel in distress.

“Cupcake! Cupcake! What’s wrong are you hurt?” said Louis dragging out two buckets of water. Handing one to Harry, Louis smirked. A sudden realization dawned upon Liam and I. 

“Lou-“ Liam was cut off by the two, dumping the buckets of water on Zayn and Niall where the eltronics were out of the way because they had both jumped up and turned around. Water droplets danced around those two and the both said “Its on now Larry Stylinson!” With evil grins Zayn handed me, Liam, and Niall a bucket and said lets get ‘em.”

“Come on boys this can wait, we are going to meet Taylor, and then we can get back to the whole water fight where Niall and Zayn get revenge, I will allow it as long as its outside.” Liam said sternly, playfully giving them the fatherly stare.

“Ok Daddy, we understand” They chorused.

Louis stepped up first, “I'm Louis, Harry is my cupcake,” this was responded to by harry making the cupcake face. “and I think that we will be the very best of friends.” Smiling he pulled me into a hug. I giggled where his suspenders tickled me, I think that I was liking Louis, in a friend way. As he pulled away, he smiled at me and said, “so this is the famous Taylor that Liam has told us so much about. I cant wait to get to know her.” Louis finished off smirking at a blushing Liam.

Harry stepped up next, making his cupcake face he looked at me and said “Louis is my BooBear, you hurt him, well sleep with one eye open. Or I tickle you,” My eyes widened in fear, thankfully Liam stepped in before anything could go seriously wrong, “ ‘kay Liam I wont do anything stupid.” Harry started to step away and started stroking Louis’ face.

Zayn stepped up next. “You are Taylor, Liam talks a lot and I do mean a lot a lot about you. Ahahahahaha is our little Liam blushing. Well hi I'm Zayn and I hope to be able to get to know you.” Smiling, I said hi and gave each of those three a hug and then turned to Liam.

“I thought there were five of you, like my friend said you were the fab five.” Oh that stung I missed Joslyn, she was my best friend since 1nd grade and that’s a long time for a girl and she was a total directioner. That was kind of weird for me because I didn’t feel comfortable with the idea that she opened up her laptop and there wa a picture of my cousin she has never met. Or when I walked into her room there was a poster of him at the right height for kissing. Or there were shirtless posters of Liam at the pool. But it wasn’t my choice so I got over it. I remember the first time we met and smiled at the adorable memory.


“Who’s that girl she looks nice?” asked my mom not looking up from her phone just texting away pointing to a girl over on the play ground. She had beautiful golden curls that hung just below her belly button area. A nice tan but not too tan and was smiling and swinging her legs. Her curls were swaying and bouncing in the wind. She looked nice but people can always look nice it just depends if they are actually nice. I thought bitterly to myself. Nodding shyly at my mom I just sat there and looked down at my white VANs. How my socks lined up with the edge of the shoes and made a nice tan line during the summer, I only wore VANs as long as I can remember sandals were an inconvenience. “Are you just going to sit there I need to get to work?” my mom asked impatiently, all she can think about was work not the fact that it was her only daughters first day of first grade. Trudging over I looked behind my shoulder and noticed that my mom was already gone.

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