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-------4 days after Jade came home--------

Dixie's POV

It's Summer HOLIDAY!!!

"MMOOOOMMM!" I called to her. 

"Yes darling?" Mom asked from the kitchen.

"Where's Freddy and Jade?"

"Outside, your brother's learning to skateboard."

I ran outside and found Freddy on his face and Jade was taking a photo of him. She was sitting on a chair.

"Hey!" Freddy looked up at Jade. "Don't post it online."

"I wasn't going to but thanks for the idea." Jade says.

"NOOO!" Freddy ran over and snatched her phone. 

"Hey! Give it back." She tried to stand.

"Okok," his said. "Only because you're hurt. But please don't post it, please?"

"I'll think about that."

He glared at her. "Then you can't have your phone back."

"Fine, I won't post it." Jade took back her phone. She sees me. "Oh hey, Dixie."

"Hi, mom says we're going to a holiday camp."

"Really? That's awesome!" Freddy exclaimed.

"But, what are we going to do there? I hope not running cycling or jumping or anything."

"The notice says there's art, adventure, animals and archery." I say. 

"Nice, there's nothing I can't do, except for adventure." Jade says.

"Maybe we can ask the manager if you can join. I mean, you can walk right?" Freddy asks.

"Yeah, but uber slow." I say.

Jade scowled at me.

"Let's ask mom." Freddy runs into the house, leaving his trashed skateboard to cry on the ground. 

Jade stood up with her crunches and went in after him. I picked up his skate board and went in too. We all went to see mom in the kitchen, she was making lunch.

"Mom, can Jade go to the adventure program in the holiday camp?" Freddy asks.

"I don't know, you'll have to call the camp manager to know more information." Mom says.

"So if he says yes than I can go right?" Jade asks.

"Yes but you'll have to tell him about your condition, Jade." Mom tells her. 

"Dixie, is there the manager's number on the notice?" Freddy asks me.

"Yup, right here." I point to the number. 

"Read it for me." Jade says

"012-5639275." I read it aloud.

Jade calls the manager. 

(J: Jade, M: manager D: Me F: Freddy)

M: Hello?

J: Hello, I'm Jade, I want to signed up for the holiday camp.

M: Alright.

J: You see, I broke my leg in an accident, is it possible if I go to the adventure program?

M: If your parent allows then it's fine.

J: Okay, 3 of us want to sign up.

M: Gender?

D: 2 girls.

F: And a boy.

M: Alright, see you on Saturday, the camp starts at 7a.m. don't be late.

J: Ok, thank you.

"YESSSS!!" Jade squealed with happiness.

"Good for you, you look happy and healthy not me if you ever cared to ask." I sang.

Freddy rolls his eyes.

--------Jade's POV--------

          I sat on the couch with Freddy and Dixie, checking out the camp on my computer. There were huts with colourful roofs and you had to cross a bridge thing to get there. The place seemed awesome.

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Dixie says before we went to bed.

"Me too, I'm gonna wear my comfiest clothe for tomorrow." Freddy said.

"We'd better go to bed, we have to wake up early tomorrow." I tell them.

"Ok, night." Freddy and Dixie say.

"G' night."

         I lie on my bed, too excited to sleep, I think about the adventure program. Tomorrow's gonna be an awesome day. It's gonna be the best, even without Jaden. I think about it for about 30 minutes and slowly, I sleepily drop off the sleep, even my dreams were about the Holiday program! It's the best dream ever.

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