Chapter 9: Father's Day

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Lucifer chuckled a little as he poked his head in the door with someone behind him and called out to his beloved girlfriend. "Hey, Detective?" Chloe came out of the kitchen area wondering why her boyfriend wasn't inside, but came to the door, regardless.

"What are you doing Lucifer?" Chloe asked curiously. She'd be lying if she didn't say she wasn't a little inquisitive about his odd behaviour than usual.

"I've got a surprise for you... hold on." He told the person behind him before squeezing through the door without revealing the guest. "Look, I know how incredibly sad you were but I really think this will make your day."

"Babe... you don't have to-" Chloe sighed dejectedly before Lucifer opened the door open wide to reveal the person on the other side of the door. Her dad. "Oh my god! Dad? How..." Now she had tears of joy running down her face as she covered her mouth from pure shock. Although her boyfriend felt immediate guilt not wanting that reaction from her.

"Hey Monkey." John smiled at his daughter

"I'm so sorry... did I do the wrong thing by doing thi- oof!" Lucifer was interrupted in mid-sentence when His girlfriend hugged him tightly and if he was a mere human could've probably squeezed the life out of him.

"Thank you so much." She whispered quietly in his ear. "You are, honestly,
without a doubt, the best boyfriend ever. Uh, sorry, come in Dad... you remember my boyfriend Lucifer?" Chloe asked her father before pulling away from the hug and rubbing at her eyes gesturing to her boyfriend with one hand.

"We... very briefly met when he came to save you, I think it was, but it's nice to meet you, Lucifer, properly. So boyfriend huh? How'd you win my daughter's heart?" John asked with a huge smile turning completely to the Almighty Himself.

"Well, actually, it wasn't easy. There was a lot of complicated emotions and-" Lucifer trailed off a little unsure whether to mention that he had apparently broken his daughter's heart more than once.

"Um... it was... Lucifer's... sincerity and compassion that made me fall in love with him." Chloe backed her partner up.

"Uh... it was?" Lucifer asked a little surprised by her words feeling himself blush a little. Four weeks has past and they haven't exactly talked about what it was that they fell in love with each other to begin with apparently his girlfriend already knew from the top of her head!

"Yes. It was. Not to mention the his allure did help as well massively." Now that was something he could totally agree with. What with him being as prideful as a peacock.

"Well, I mean, I really am that attractive. It's true." Lucifer said in agreement, Chloe rolled her eyes at his blunt vanity.

"Well, I'm so glad someone could take care and love my daughter whilst I couldn't. So how'd you two meet?" John asked

"Through work; we cracked a case together. Lucifer was connected to the victim that was shot. So we had been working together ever since then. For five years." Chloe jumped in before her cocky boyfriend could and saying something as blunt as, most likely, 'oh well actually I wanted to sleep with your daughter for a really long time, but wouldn't let me' or 'funny story your daughter shot me in the leg and the rest is history'

"And you don't now?"

"No, I'm retired. I decided I didn't want to work in a department. Although I am thinking about working as a private investigator; it's still being a detective but more privately as well as helping my boyfriend with the family business."

"Oh yeah, what's that?" John asked turning to his daughter's boyfriend, whose eyes widen, not realising that He would be asked a question so soon.

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