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Weapons: he had a twin Fuson cannon on his arm with 2 swords on his back
Ship/ Ship info
Providence-class dreadnought
The Providence-class Dreadnought, also known as the Providence-class cruiser-carrier, the Providence-class carrier/destroyer, the Providence-class Separatist destroyer, and more commonly known as the Separatist dreadnought, was a model of dreadnought designed by Quarren engineers and manufactured by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps and Rendili StarDrive for use by the fleets
the Providence-class Dreadnought was among the largest and most powerful warships that served the empire avy, consisting of two variants, one model that measured to 1,088 meters, and a second that stretched to over 2,000 meters in length. The warship also possessed an armament which provided the vessel with enough firepower to withhold a planetary blockade alone
These vessels also sported a large hangar for a complement of 120 starfighters and 129 armored vehicles and drop ships
The Providence-class's cylindrical surface was dotted with a variety of different weapon emplacements, which provided the craft enough fire power to maintain a planetary blockade alone and which were also powerful enough to pierce through the deflector shields of enemy vessels ts armament consisted of fourteen port and starboard quad heavy turbolaser batteries thirty-four dorsal and ventral turret-mounted dual heavylaser cannons, twelve port and starboard twin light point-defense ion cannons and two forward-mounted battleship heavy ion cannons in addition, the dreadnought was also armed with 50 proton torpedo launchers with five torpedoes each, twelve heavy flak guns,
In terms of shielding, the Providence-class was equipped with deflector shields as well as thermal shields, hich were powerful enough to turn or absorb the heaviest laser fire from opposing starships. While extremely potent vessels, the Separatist admiralty deployed the Providence-class ships with great caution, and due to the high cost of operating these vessels at their peak efficiency, they were deployed only when their sheer, overwhelming force was called upon
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