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February 2005

It's been over a week since the incident with Marshall, and we haven't spoken or hung out. The girls came to my room one day after school, asking for me to paint their nails. Marshall came in to call them for dinner and acted as if I didn't exist. Kim was gone for two days then came back like nothing happened. Trying to not get wrapped up in their shit, I buckle down and focus on school. Nate and I have fallen into a routine, we do our homework, sneak out to smoke, then watch TV until we fall asleep. It's Friday and Nate is going out with Alexis tonight, he finally caved in and asked her to be his girlfriend. Putting on sweats, I get comfy on the couch and turn on a movie. Emily called three times, begging me to come out, they have a keg and are doing a "Mardis Gras" theme. Lately, I don't feel like partying and I know Emily that thinks I'm ditching her, but I'm content staying here alone. Which is a big deal for me since I spent the first few months in Michigan feeling lost and stressed. Being in this home, I found the security and comfort that I've needed. Opening up my journal to write, there's a knock on the door and Kim peeks her head in, "Hey, I'm trying to reach Nate" she says. "He's at the movies with his friend" I reply, "You didn't want to go?" she asks and I know that they've made her think that we are sort of a couple. "No, they're seeing a stupid movie and I wanna be a homebody tonight" I reply as she steps into the room, "Can you babysit the girls tonight?" she asks and I'm shocked because they haven't taken me up on my offer before. "Yes, I'd love to" I say. "I'm going out for a girls night. Marshall is gonna be gone all weekend and I haven't been out in a long time" she says and I think back to the fight that happened recently. "Yea, it's nice to let loose once in awhile" I smile and wonder if I should text Nate about it. It's still hard to read her and I'm not sure if I can trust her, because most of the time she seems detached. When I first came to the house, it was the only time that I felt like she was being genuine with me and since then she's distant. The kids and I enjoy spending time together plus I feel indebted to her for allowing me to stay. "I'll be home late but since it's the weekend they can stay up" she adds. Next, she gives me a list of numbers in case of an emergency and reminds me that I can reach neighborhood security from the landline. Walking with her to the living room, she tells the girls that they will be with me tonight and they get excited. "Can Jayme do our makeup?" Hailie asks, wrapping her arms around Kim's waist, "Yes honey" she replies and then goes upstairs. "Okay girls, follow me" I say and they run to my bedroom. They grab my makeup bag and spread it out on the coffee table. Starting with Hailie first, she sits patiently as I put on her makeup. Alaina comes back with a pile of junk food and waits her turn. Kim pops her head in to say goodbye, her auburn hair now curled and her eyes lined dark, she's in short cocktail dress and heels.  When she steps closer, she towers over me, "Here's money to order food" she says and drops cash on the table. "Thanks, have fun" I say, as she hugs the kids and waves bye. Both girls examine their makeup, then I let them do mine. We have our usual chat about school, and they tell me about their friends and the boys they like. Before we pick out a movie, I take the king sized mattress off the frame and drag it onto floor in front of the television. They bring down pillows and blankets from their rooms and we make a big comfy bed for our sleepover. We eat dinner while the movie plays and once it ends both girls are fast asleep, checking my phone I have missed calls from Emily. Slipping out of the room, I walk to the kitchen to call her back. "Where are you?" she screams and it's clear that she's drunk. When I tell her that I'm babysitting, she cuts me off, "Drama, so much drama and you're missing it" she yells again. Asking her to go in the bathroom, so I can hear her, she continues to tell me that Nate and Alexis got in a fight. "Nate is beyond wasted now" she slurs. "Em, make sure Nick has his keys, don't let him leave" I demand. "Nick took them" she replies. "Okay, let me talk to him" I say then the chatter in the background grows loudly again. "He's outside talking with her" she says and I can barely hear her anymore. "Okay, bye" I hang up. My anxiety is raging now because I feel responsible and protective of Nate, especially when he drinks. Calling his phone a few times, there's no answer so I send a text to remind him that I can pick him up if he needs me to. Even though I can't leave the girls home alone, I'd figure something out. Making sure that I leave my phone on, I curl up on the couch behind the girls and fall asleep.

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