May Pt.2

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May 28, 2005

Today is graduation day, Nate and I walk for our diplomas. Yesterday we turned in our books and then left early to get lunch and party at Nick's. The kids are away this weekend, and Marshall stayed in the studio all night, just like he has for most of this month. We were at Nick's late into the evening, then Nate and I stayed up the rest of the night talking and getting blazed like we used to. It feels bittersweet to hit this milestone but I'm happy to be done with school for good. Marshall won't be coming because he doesn't want to take any attention away from his brother and is afraid there'll be too much commotion if people bother him for photos. He was upset that we wouldn't have any family at the ceremony but we reassured him that we would be fine. Marshall and I finally discussed my family, I told him some things that Nate already knew. There's no way that I could go over all of it but he gets the gist of how I grew up and what my parents are like. There is no way that I want them to come here, I'm not allowing their toxic behavior to enter my new life. When I do occasionally hear from them, I keep it short and sweet, and they end up talking about themselves the entire time anyway. They have no idea what I've been through or that I left Tristan and am with Marshall now. With the magnitude of his fame and celebrity, they're too much of a liability to know anything. They stopped being my parents once I left home and since then, they've done nothing but try to drag me back into their drama whenever they can't clean up their own messes. Marshall understood once I explained it, he had more than enough trouble with his family and he walked away too. From hearing what his mother did to him and Nathan, I'll do what I can to protect them both from having to deal with mine.

Nate and I drag ourselves to get ready, we have to leave soon and we watched the sun come up from the patio this morning. When I finish my makeup, I straighten my long blonde hair until it's sleek and then place my sunglasses on my head. Slipping on a tight baby blue sundress over my push-up bra, I choose my white Air Force 1's instead of heels. Walking out to find Nate so we can go, Marshall sneaks up and grips me from behind. "Baby, you look so fuckin hot. Come here, I missed you" he says kissing me hard. "I didn't hear you come in" I reply looking into his exhausted eyes, "Were you good last night?" he questions while his hands slide around my body and I smile, "Of course I was good. Nathan and I chilled, we had fun together" I reply and then his mouth melts into mine. "Were you good?" I ask as I pull my head back and examine him, seeing he's in the same clothes that I saw him in yesterday. "Yea baby, I was working. I didn't sleep though" he mutters and I nod, "I can tell babe" I say and he releases a deep sigh. "I'm sorry I won't be there today. You know I wish I could be" he says while kissing on my neck. "It's okay, I don't even wanna go. I wanna stay here with you" I reply. "Getting your diploma is an accomplishment. With everything you've been through, I'm so proud of you" he says looking deep into my eyes. "You didn't need a diploma and look at you now" I point out. "Yo, no one could have predicted all this, not even me" he laughs and grips my ass under my dress, I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. "Slide those panties over and let me in" Marshall growls and I bite my lip. We make out ferociously and smoother one another completely,  "Don't be gross right now, we gotta go" Nate says as he walks in, interrupting us. "Chill bro, I'm ready" I reply, jumping down and fixing my dress. We put on our maroon cap and gowns, and then I reach over to adjust the cap on his head. "Don't mess up my hair" he whines, "Shush, I know what I'm doing. Tuck your chain in, you look ridiculous flaunting it like that" I say and he frowns. "I want a picture of you two together" I say to Nate and Marshall. "Okay Ma" Nate says and I pinch his arm, "Shut up and stand next to your brother" I demand. We walk to the front door and stand outside on the large stone steps, I snap a few photos of them standing side by side. "Lemme get you two" Marshall says proudly and makes us stand and pose. "Babe, I want one of us" I say and Nate groans, "We're gonna be late" he complains, taking the camera and snapping a few. "Okay, we can go now" I exclaim and kiss Marshall goodbye. "Wait Nathan, come here" Marshall says and he stands before his brother, "I'm proud of you and I love you. If things were different I would be there in that crowd today" Marshall says, wrapping him in his arms. "I know that bro, love you too " Nate says softly. They embrace for a minute and then Nate walks to the car with me, "It's okay to cry you know" I say with a pat on his back, "Shut up" he smirks and we leave.

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